Do you look at your body the same after having a baby?

With my partner I enjoy when he would suck on my breasts during intercourse or touching me there etc. will becoming a mom change that?? Baby is arriving very soon. Since being pregnant my husband no longer sexually touches my breasts during intercourse etc. he claims it’s no longer his. So will it always be this way from now on?? How do you find the balance for things like this?
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That's him being a weirdo in my opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️ur body is going to be different u just grew a human and had it come out of u!!! It's all natural and normal. I'd say something but sounds like he's scared of titty milk 😭😭 the feeling of a man sucking on ur boobs and a baby sucking on em DO NOT feel the same. Like at all 😂 not the same sensation. For me personally sex didn't feel the same for about 3 months after baby. But that's not the case with everyone I also suffered with ppd which affects sex drive n overall enjoyment for me. But once I started enjoying it again we had to try new things and some old things we hadn't done post baby 🤷🏾‍♀️ it's all about learning your body n partner

It’s a lot of changes for both of you. I think honest and open conversations help take the guessing around it. Try to be playful and explore your sexuality in different ways and maybe you’ll find pleasure and joy in different things and not focus so much on how it was before. I hope you find yourselves even closer now that you’re building a beautiful family! Xoxo

I wasn’t a big fan of tit play before kids, after kids I became a bit of a cafeteria due to breastfeeding so it wasn’t hot, but my man still loves to try. I feel there are changes but they don’t have to be bad or forever. Hormones do crazy things! I was dryer than the Sahara desert for like 6 months post birth and it was challenging, but again not forever! Just got to go with the flow

My husband was obsessed with them before I got pregnant with first. Then after I adjusted to breastfeeding and they were not so sensitive he still loved them especially because they were so much bigger lol. When I got pregnant with second he was still equally obsessed. He had a period where he was not really into it but for us it never really changed

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