Rainbow baby

Hi, I'm new here but I'm in desperate need of reassurance. I was pregnant in 2023 due in June this year. Unfortunately, I had something the doctors called a missed miscarriage. There were no signs my baby had stopped growing, we thought everything was fine until we went for our 12-week scan and were informed our baby was no longer with us. It was awful. I then had a super early miscarriage of our second baby. I'm now 6 weeks pregnant with our third, and I'm terrified. I can't bring myself to be excited because I'm expecting the worst. I want so badly to be excited. But having lost 2 babies in 4 months, I'm struggling. I want this to be our rainbow baby so badly. I just have nowhere else to talk about this.
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Hello, I had this before my little boy. I ended up getting CBT whilst pregnant with him as I was just convinced I was going to lose him too. Feel free to message me if you need to x

Hi, I had a missed miscarriage on Valentine’s Day this year. I totally understand how you’re feeling because I’m 6 +4 and petrified of it happening again. I have been attending some of the support groups with the miscarriage association and have found that to be helpful, especially talking to others who are or have been in similar positions. Xx

Hello I had a miscarriage last year and understand why you would feel this way. Feel free to drop me a message if you want to chat. X

Pregnancy after loss is so hard. You've been through something really traumatic, and I'm sorry for your losses. I have had three miscarriages and am a constant ball of worry at the moment. I think finding somewhere you can talk openly is really important. I've found many people going through something on Mumsnet. Could you also let your midwife know how you're feeling (if you've had your appointment yet)?

Hey, I am in the exact same position. I had a mmc in Nov last and was due May 24th this year, then had an early miscarriage in Feb this and am now 7w with my third. Practical advice: Our local EPU arranged an assurance scan for us last week which really helped my anxiety levels and they have also put me on progesterone, aspirin and 5mg folic acid to help support this pregnancy. I think your first bet is to ask what support is available to you from your local EPU so you know you are exhausting all resources. Emotionally: I say that to say, this pregnancy thing is completely out of our control. Our bodies are going to handle pregnancy the best way they can. The factors in your control you manage but everything else is a hope and a prayer so don’t be hard on yourself. On the days you are anxious I would be happy to talk to you because I def can relate! But on good days, I talk to my little bean and write down names I like and take advantage of those moments. Xx

Sorry for the long message/rant. I hope it was helpful and I pray this is your little rainbow baby ❤️🌈 please do reach out if you need someone to talk to x

Also here if you want to chat about ways to cope. It's not easy but keep yourself distracted as much as possible. I also had a missed before. Don't give up you'll get that rainbow baby xxx

Same boat, I had a missed miscarriage and then 6 months later a chemical pregnancy last year. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant. I’m starting to feel a little more confident now but these first 8 weeks have been hell and fraught with anxiety. I know exactly how you feel. Pregnancy after loss is HARD and honestly the journey so far has been rough. I can’t enjoy it in the same way most mums to be would. But I’m hoping after the 12 week mark I can start to relax a bit. I’ve seen my baby’s heartbeat twice already and have another scan next week,it’s very reassuring so maybe book yourself a scan in a couple of weeks to see how everything is progressing if you feel that might help. I was crying before she even got the probe out but seeing the heartbeat was magical! Never had that before 🥺

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