False labor

Screw prodromal labor. Showing contractions on the monitor but not dilating any. It’s all in my back as well which makes this worse as nothing at home helps. 😭
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I’m in the exact same place!

Same and it’s horrible!!! I had it last week for ages and then it stopped but it was torture

Have you tried taking magnesium and doing the miles circuit?! Prodromal labor is usually more about getting baby in a good position than necessarily dilating (remember that everyone dilates at a different pace and time). I was having awful back prodromal labor last week and both of those things helped tremendously!

@Mckenna I can’t get into the positions for the miles circuit because baby is measuring big and my back isn’t happy with anything I do. Not sure about magnesium. I was told baby is in the right position so I’m not sure what is even going on.

Try warm compress or warm bath to help with the back pain.

Heating pad or massage gun for your back if you can. Or counter pressure from your partner. You can take extra strength Tylenol too. I’ve been having bouts of prodromal labor too. Super frustrating 😢hang in there!

@Kevina I have and they don’t work. 🥲 I had bad back labor with my first so I think it’s just my body trying to prepare.

I was like this for 3 days on day 3 I couldn’t take it anymore and went to L&D I was 2 cm 70% efface and it seems not dilating cuz baby heart rate was dropping:( i had a emergency c section he came with his umbilical cord around neck and stomach. Trust your instincts I knew when i had to run to the hospital cuz I didn’t seem normal to me.

@Anakarina it’s a kidney infection. She was and is perfectly fine. Moving plenty and heartbeat is perfect. Just not dilating or thinning any.

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