Waters breaking

Hi Girls, I am 39 weeks pregnant today and I feel calm about labour. Only thing is I feel like when my waters do break, I’ll go into panic mode. Have you got any advice what to do?
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It’s easier said than done but honestly, your body kind of takes over and you just naturally know that to do. Believe in yourself and let things just be guided by your body. 🩷


Try not to freak out. Each labour is different and your body knows exactly what to do. Remember your breathing. Gas and air help but an epidural will elevate all pain! Also if you have a relaxing playlist - play it too! Whatever will make you feel comfortable get that in motion to take some of the stress away. Wishing you an uncomplicated labour and easy delivery! You got this 💪🏽

Your waters might not just break like that, they might break in the hospital. If you’re calm, try and keep it that way, in the same. I’m proper chill

Breathe 🧘🏼‍♀️ slow breathes and think 💭 you're not alone. Someone else, all around the world but also in the same hospital as you is going through the same process you are with their labor. ♥️ remember you are not alone. Squeeze whoever's hand you have nearby. Sending you all of the calming thoughts. I went natural and I definitely know when the water breaks you are feeling heavier contractions and for me with both children they came within an hour of my water breaking.

@Raquel did you not get contractions at all before water breaking? I’m 39+2 haven’t felt any pain at all!

I thought the same but when my waters actually went I managed to stay calm and phone the hospital. When my contractions came I was oblivious as I'd been told by multiple people that they're painful, yet I didn't feel pain at all just a little bit of discomfort.

Your water may not break dramatically, it might, it could happen at the hospital, or by the doctor even. I was in early labor at home for 10 hrs waiting for contractions to get to 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute long, etc. they weren't painful either like Sammi said, I got to the hospital 4 cm dilated they told me to go home. As I stood up to leave, get dressed, water broke right there and I delivered naturally 8 hrs later. Contractions picked up fairly rapidly and became painful after my water broke. Everybody is different, stay relaxed and trust your body. If you start having complications, trust your medical team and reinforce your position in their care by using your voice, asking as many questions about what's going on as you care to know. I wanted to know everything in my situation, but everyone's experience is a bit different. Your body will have an easier time overall if you prioritize your stress levels and relax/ positive/ breathe/focus on the goal. Congratulations! You'll do amazing 😻💪

one thing that really helped me was reminding myself that my body was literally designed to grow and birth babies. most of the time women’s bodies are absoloutely incredible at doing their job of birthing babies when left uninterrupted. it will stop and start as needed, slow down and speed up as needed, and babe will be born when they’re ready. learn to let go and let your body take over🤍

I’m actually praying my waters break this time on their own so I won’t have to be induced! Lol I would love for my body to just naturally one day go into labor without any type of intervention. I hope it’s this time.

@Blair my waters went naturally, but labour didn't progress so I had to be induced with my first I was terrified of having another induction but luckily I didn't need one with my second. My waters didn't actually break though I just got contractions, my waters went in hospital during labour

I was super excited when my waters broke because it meant bab was coming v soon🥰🥰❤️❤️

Every birth story is different. I’ve heard and read hundreds. I was stubborn and waited until 42 weeks to get induced and had my water broken by the doctors. Just go into it open minded and accepting all the possibilities if you strongly have expectations that it will go a certain way then in my case I grieved the loss of my expected experience. Everything I didn’t want to happen happened and in the moment it’s all less scary then anticipation. Primal instinct kicks in. You got this mama!!🫶🫶

They say you have up to 48 hours after your water breaking before baby has to come out. You're gonna wanna keep track of your contractions that's a better indicator

Mine broke in the hospital right before I felt ready to push and it wasn’t a huge gush like I thought it would be, just a few small splashes so I didn’t really react.

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Mine broke in hospital at 4/5cms. Was evidentially in labour as contractions ramped up. Lost mucus plug in hospital too!

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