
Hello, I was diagnosed with anemia a week ago and I was referred to hematology for anemia during pregnancy. Does anyone know how to improve anemia naturally ? Currently I’m having beetroot juice with carrot, but I’m not sure if that will work.
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What vitamins to take

You can take in folic acid or iron supplements. Again eat boil eggs too especially in the morning

Carribbean seamoss is also an amazing source of iron and has a complete mineral profile in 1 food. I had low iron also and felt enrgetic right after taking a tablesppn of seamoss in orange juice. But honestly, if you're consistent with the beets, you'll see an improvement with your iron also.

Moringa leaf is a power house for iron & other nutrients. About 28 mg of iron is present in 100 g of Moringa leaves, higher than the iron content in spinach. When baby is born Moringa seeds will have your milk overflowing!! Do your research to see what suggestions will work for you

Grass fed beef liver capsules are the only thing that increased my anaemia during pregnancy. My LO is 3 this year and I’m still iron deficient 🤦‍♀️

Dark chocolate, spinach and red meats

I used liquid iron and a glass of orange juice to make it absorb quicker. I didn’t like iron tablets so that was a great alternative for me. African/Caribbean green banana which you boil - tastes like nothing but has high levels of iron! Hope that helps and you find a solution for you x

That's more then my OB did 😐 I didn't find out till 35 weeks that I was anemic and that i badly anemic at that and all my OB did was hand me a prescription for iron pills. I couldn't take them though because they made my nose bleed so I went into my section anemic and ended up having 2 transfusions because I lost so much blood during my delivery. Good luck girl! Your health team seems to be on the ball and doing what they believe is right. Chia seeds are also PACKED with iron.. could try smoothies with those in it.

Red meats, greeny leafy veg especially spinach. Iron tablets are probably the best and quickest way though, ferrous sulphate was great for me

Just don’t forget to take iron pills or foods rich in iron with vitamin c either by tablet or through orange juice or anything similar! Iron taken orally (food or pill) doesn’t get absorbed well without vitamin c. - fellow anemic (on pills but really hope to get transfusion at some point as I’ve heard lovely things about it)

In my home country the best and natural way to get your hemoglobin up, very quick and naturally without supplements is, chicken liver, or beef liver, (can be sautéed with onions and tomato) very tasty, lentils, and all greens, like kale and spinach.

Agree with all the above.. also ensure that you don't take any calcium rich food with iron supplements or iron rich food as that prevents its full absorption. Space them out for different times in the day.

Cooking in a cast iron skillet will help too. Golden sweet potatoes will help too. Also, make sure you are not taking your iron supplements or iron rich food with calcium they cancel each other out. To help body absorb it more you will want to take it with vitamin C.

Vitron c with 1,000mg of vitamin c based on body weight.

Lots of great suggestions here. All I can add is to keep your appointment with the hematologist and talk things through with them. There are many types of and underlying causes of anemia, all of which are remedied in different ways. In this case the doctor will be able to tailor the best course of action for your unique health needs. If they do recommend certain foods/ diets, I would also suggest you meet with a Registered Dietitian. They can help you build a meal plan so it’s not so overwhelming. Prayers and hugs 🤗

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