Can’t walk

Please no judgement, I know this is going to sound ridiculous. It was my little boys first birthday party today and I’m 37 weeks pregnant with my first. We got the rounders kit out and I decided to give it a go and now I can’t walk from the pain in my pelvis. I’m fine when sitting down but unbearable pain when I try and move. Has anyone done exercise this late in pregnancy and suffered the same? PFA
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You’ve probably overdone it a little bit. Painkillers to the rescue!

It’s not ridiculous and I doubt anyone here will be judging! Pregnancy is so crippling at times! I’m only 35+4 atm but had a lot of points this week that I’ve struggled to move with pains and I’ve seen other people say they’ve had pelvic girdle pain so bad they needed a wheelchair so you’re definitely not alone!

This is me today. Went for a walk when I suffer with pgp thought i was going an ok pace but literally crippled this evening. I find paracetemol and a warm bath help loads

I've overdone it a couple of times and been in agony! It does get better with a warm bath and a rest. X

Pregnancy support belt and doing hip flexor kneeling stretch for just two mins daily made me not be able to walk in third trimester to start doing 10k steps everyday

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