Dealing with losing my ‘pink’

I am utterly obsessed with my daughter and was really scared throughout my pregnancy that I wouldn’t feel any bond. I am very relieved that this wasn’t the case!! The last week I have realised that I’ve lost myself, I tried to do things I used to enjoy and used to do for my mental health. I had no enjoyment, I’m really struggling with the loneliness, starting to feel resentment to my partner, to her and the repetition of being a new parent. I just have no idea how to find myself as a mum! Does anyone have any tips on how they’ve dealt with these feelings as a FTM? Xx
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No tips sadly but just to say I’m right there with you

Me too. Thanks for sharing ❤️

hey lovely all i can say is it gets better with time. hang on in there mama you’re doing great xx

I think we do lose our self for the first few months, and that’s what we do for our perfect babies ❤️ it does get better trust me!

I think it’s really normal to change after having a baby, and things that once used to bring you joy, don’t anymore. So I think it’s important to find new things that make you, you. I used to hate exercising before baby, but since having him, the gym & yoga/pilates have really become such an amazing thing for me to escape to. I also make sure I still do my self care each month; I get my nails done, have a facial. And I make sure I make an effort with my hair and dressing even if I’m just popping to the shop. It just makes me feel good! You’ll get there ❤️

Could u maybe see this as an opportunity to try something new? If the stuff u used to do doesnt make u feel good anymore, go outside your comfort zone and try stuff you'd never normally do. Failing that maybe reconnect with nature? Sounds a bit hippy dippy i know but hear me out. Either on your own or with baby in pram while sleeping just go out somewhere green and quiet and feel the sun warm your skin, listen to the birds sing, take deep breaths of clean fresh air and just be in that moment. Forget the tidying, washing, cleaning the house just focus on u in that moment

One of my closest friends told me it took her 3 years to find herself again after having baby, I never understood that until after having my own (my girl is 7 months). I was an avid yogi, climber, hiker and loved going out to explore new city's and restaraunts. Things have changed! I will say that now that she is old enough, I throw her in the hiking pack and we go into the woods everyday. My hikes are shorter and no extreme elevation anymore, but it brings me so much joy watching her starting to soak it all in. And I'm starting to be open to new things to, she loves animals so I made a lost of all 25 local farms and its our goal to visit each one this summer! I'm starting to accept this chapter of life as being a little slower and looking different. I am finding more peace and happiness accepting that entering into motherhood marked a new me. Nothing lasts forever, you'll find your way back to your solo passions again once your baby is more independent, but for right now, explore the new you!

I feel you ❤️ it’ll get better! My baby hit 6 months and only then it hit me how I’ve just let myself completely go so I started doing one small thing for myself every day. It doesn’t have to be anything epic but everyday just choose yourself in some form. Sometimes I make myself a cup of tea in my fancy tea cup and just for 5 minutes while baby naps just sit and relax: then on a bigger scale, I leave baby with his dad for an hour or so on a weekend and do something. Today I went to get my nails done. Last week I went to a shopping centre and just had a browse. Don’t give up! This is really normal. In terms on loneliness - do you think you’d enjoy baby classes? x

@Luba "it doesnt have to be anything epic but everyday just choose yourself in some form" LOVE THAT GIRL

It sucks to say it's part of it, but it truly does get better. With my first, once he stopped breastfeeding, I started having some time to do stuff myself again and started feeling better. Granted, I had my second just a bit ago, but it definitely gets better. Once your little starts sleeping independently during nap time (unless they are already, is so, bonus), that's a great time to take a moment to yourself. Even if it's at home, try a hobby that is easy to start and stop I try to color, read, watch a show I enjoy, or just take a really good shower

For loneliness going to playgroups every day really helps. Probably hard with a 2 month old but gets easier from 3/4/5 mo though. You might find playing with LO gets more enjoyable too! I put mine on playmat next to my yoga mat and did yoga next to him from around that age and now he thinks it's hilarious to lie on the mat under me while I'm doing cat cow. I'm enjoying that while he cannot crawl away! Daily walks help settle mood. Resentment seems to be kind of inevitable but you can try talking to partner about these feelings and what triggers it the most.

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