
What made you opt for/ decide to be a SAHM? And how are y’all coping financially? Trying to make a decision before it’s time to return to work lol not easy tbh
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For us it was an easy choice. I have no degree that would help with a decent paying job. All my jobs before becoming pregnant paid minimum wage, and if I got a job after delivering my son two years ago, all of my income would have gone to daycare anyways. Our family lives too far away to babysit so I can work. My husband works a hard and stressful but decent paying job, and once we switched our habits and started budgeting, we found it worked best to have me stay home.

It was a hard decision for us. I spent months making pro and con lists. I was a teacher and overall really liked my job. At the end of the day the big pros for staying with my baby were: getting to do exactly what I wanted in regards to her schedule and up bringing, my husband works from home so we all get lunch together everyday, I got to spend more time with my mom and other family, she will only be little once and I have the next 30+ years to go back to the classroom. I know I will go back someday so I am enjoying my time now. She won’t be this little again. She’s almost two and it has gone by so fast. Looking back now, my husband and I laugh about all the stress. Of course I was going to stay home. How did I not see that then? It is very hard some days, but I do not regret my decision.

Financially we are lucky my husband makes enough to cover our expenses. We have had to stick to a budget and not buy as much random stuff. We both love spending and used to have a good amount of “play money” that we could do with as we wanted. Now it’s like 20$ a piece a month 😂 but we decided it was worth it

For us my husband is well off financially due to his job and field! So it was a no brainer for us to have me become a SAHM once I get out the military beginning of next year! We want more kids and realistically I wasn’t going to pay someone else to watch my kids when I can easily watch them myself and get a remote job eventually. You’ll know if it’s worth it when the time comes and if it isn’t than that’s okay!

The job I had wasn't a dream job and I didn't make enough to cover keeping it and paying for someone to watch my son. Also where we live there's not much in daycare or at home options for anyone to watch my son so I would be going out of my way everyday to bring him somewhere if I would've kept my job. My husband has a pretty nice salary so while we do have to budget and cut back a little we still have enough to splurge comfortably here and there... but we are about to have a second so I'm not sure how this budget will hold with 2 kids vs one 😆

I assumed since I was a child that I would be a sahm 😅 but for us it all fortuitously worked out. Me and my partner moved because of his family and a new job opportunity for him. As a result I left my job and we had extra financial security (we moved into a family owned house and don't pay rent anymore, as well as other things). I got pregnant within a month of living here, tried half heartedly to get a job but otherwise just spent a year sorting our new house out ready for baby. My parents were very present during my childhood and I always wanted to be there in a similar capacity. I feel very privileged to be able to stay home and that my partner works from home so my daughter has loads of time with us both.

Easy, I don’t trust anyone with my child. I worked in daycares in my 20s and in the school district in my early 30s. No thanks! We had no debt and continue to have no debt. We decided if we ever were to have a child, I would be home. I personally hate people too so going back to work was not for me. I went out at 17 weeks pregnant and milked that company for every cent I could get. I got 18 weeks of maternity leave and didn’t go back. Best decision I ever made for myself. I love sleeping in too which I never did when I had a job. Waking up to my son’s face every morning is priceless 🩷🫶🏻

Hi, have you thought about remote work?

@Shaztene I wish I could 🥲 I’m a stock controller, for updating the system with my counts I could acc do it from home but then I need to be there physically to count the stock and check all the stuff 💀

I see. Bummer, if you ever want to explore remote work in the finance industry, feel free to reach out. I used to be a waitress, but I quit at the end of last year. It's been great because I'm able to work while being with my son. Less stressful, too.

@Shaztene is that something I could do here in the UK? Just cause I’ve seen you’re from the US 🫣

It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I started a network marketing business back in January, I’ve earned enough to extend my mat leave and I’ve only been there 4 months, small investment to start but the rewards you reap are something else. Happy to chat if you want x

I thought I had replied. Unfortunately, only in the US and Guam.

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