How long can molar teething last?!

My 15 month old son has been teething so badly we’re pretty sure it’s a molar. But it’s been a whole week of Motrin nonstop! Is this common to last that long?!
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We’ve been in the same boat, my son cut one molar after another we’re on number 3 now and it’s probably been 10 days.

My son had his 15 month check in recently and his pediatrician said it was normal. My son has been cranky af for almost 2 weeks. Some days are much worse than others. The pediatrician said typically the 4 points of the molar erupt at different times and then the thickest part of the molar erupts, it’s a process to say the least. The whole thing sucks and it takes a while, he straight up said, “buckle up, it’s going to be a long month.” And my son has two molars coming in at the same time 😭

@Stephanie oh I HATE hearing this. My daughter is cutting 4 molars at once and it has been a ride. I didn't even think about every part coming up at different times.

@Morgan I’m sorry 😭

Going through the same thing right now

Thank you all! I’m at the end of my rope today - he didn’t eat anything including his favorite fruits and barely drinks water. I want to give up.

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