
My LO turned 6 months last week and we started weaning a week ago. We are following the ‘how to wean your baby book’. He has tried broccoli, avocado, courgette and potato. We are doing both purée and whole foods. We stopped for a few days as he had a cold. I know it’s early days but he’s not interested in food at all. If I put the purée on the spoon and try to feed it to him he closes his mouth shut and turns his head. If he holds the spoon with food on he won’t put it in his mouth ( he will put the spoon in his mouth when we play without food on). The whole food he will just sometimes hold and drop. They don’t go near his mouth. Any suggestions?
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Following as I’m in EXACTLY the same boat, down to the same book and same foods we’ve tried so far 😅

Did you try baby porridge first? I gave my little girl her milk first and then gave her some food after. So she wasn’t overly hungry when she tried it. She was then more open to trying

When are you offering the purées? We’ve been following Ella’s kitchen weaning guide and it recommends giving them food about 1 hour after their usual milk, so they’re not starving but also not too full 😊 that has worked for us

I use this book and my boy was the same! Once the 10 days were up, I started giving him breakfast too. I gave him ready brek and Greek yoghurt with fruit purées mixed in. I also give him fruit finger food. Since doing this, I’ve found he’s more interested in veg and doesn’t turn his head and close his mouth as quickly! Xx

It’s something’s completely new for them! So they’re going to not be interested. Just keep doing it and eventually your lo will want to eat. My lb is 7 months today and he’s still not very interested in food but we try and sometimes he has some. I mean he absolutely loves apples, pears and weetabix haha

@Vicki we haven’t tried baby porridge. We could try that

@Chantelle thank you. Yes, we have been trying 1hr after milk

@Kirsty okay thank you so much!!

@Estera thank you!

@Amy I got the porridge that her milk brand do. I went with the theory would be a thicker taste than what she normally has. She wasn’t massively sold on plain porridge but she loved banana porridge. She also really liked apple puree early on.

@Vicki amazing. We will try. Thank you!

It took my LG 3 weeks to show any interest in the food then she suddenly just got it! She's 7.5 months now and eats 3 meals a day. I'm pretty sure itvwas nothing to do with anything I did but here's what I think helped -Melty sticks/melty puffs. Helped with learning self feeding - bibado self feeding spoons/dipper - baby porridge - mixing babies usual milk into the purees I found those first few weeks really disheartening as I spent so long making stuff for her that she didn't eat . I was much less stressed once I started using prebroight purees and not worrying so much about doing anything perfectly. Don't worry, your baby will get it!

My opinion is that the book isn’t giving realistic advice. Breast milk is quite sweet with only a bit of tang, while all those you listed are fairly bitter. My son’s first food was unsweetened applesauce and avocado purée with breast milk. I put dark meat chicken in it now and he still loves that. Try mixing a sweet ingredient, a fiber, and a fatty protein? Like banana-spinach-unsweetened greek whole fat yogurt. It’s still a hit or miss with me too and my son also prefers the pouches. I like the serenity kids brand best.

@rebecca thank you for the tips!

@Coral thank you!

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Definitely work on trying at different times of the day. In the afternoon my baby isn’t remotely bothered about food he just has a nice look round - it’s like he can’t even see the food. But in the morning he’s really keen. Secondly - baby is still learning mama don’t despair. I read that them even seeing or touching the food is exposure. They won’t always munch straight away. I’m using that book but I’m following it very loosely. The first 10-15 days weren’t fantastic. He didn’t really know what to do but we’ve been practicing for some time now and he’s getting much better. I also got these fruit feeders from Amazon and put fruit in there and he loves that and has finally starting having that on his own.

We are following same book my little one wasn't keen at start we are now on day 10 and she is now much more interested in the purees still no interest in the finger foods. What appears to have helped is me feeding myself some first and over exaggerating eating it she then seems to want what i have, I guess they need to see what to do with it. We have also unintentionally started doing at dinner time whereas at start was doing mid afternoon and that seems to work better for her now. Might be worth playing around with timings but otherwise just think it takes them a while to get used to sitting in highchair and to work out what they are meant to do with what is being put in front of them its all new. Also some of the veg in the book for the first week are quite bitter tastes on own so might prefer when mixed with other things later in plan.

@Luba yeah trying different times of the day is a good idea. Thank you!

@Claire thank you for the tips!

Maybe try putting babies normal milk on the spoon? Might help him to lean to take the spoon again as it’s a familiar taste? Then switch to foods again once he’s gotten used to it

@Elizabeth ooh! That’s an interesting idea. Thank you

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