Early wake ups

I honestly don’t know what to do anymore, I can’t remember the last time my baby woke at a reasonable time… 3:30 yesterday, 4:15 today 🙃 I am so exhausted 😩
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My little one is the same. He's just woken up and I tried doing better nap times and bed time yesterday😴

@Rebecca My girls like it regardless of her naps. She has 1.5hrs from 9-10:30 then 1hr from 2:30ish 😩🤦🏻‍♀️x

@Nicole exact same as us! No idea what to do, I'm exhausted😔

What time are you putting her to bed? Just asking as with my 10mo, she was an awful sleeper, i tried everything- no naps in day, more naps in the day, putting her to bed as late as possible , sometimes she would only go down at 1:30am until a couple of weeks ago I decided maybe trying putting her to be bed a lot earlier as a last resort , about 7:30pm and ever since she has slept like a dream, I give her a dream feed at 11pm and she sleeps till 7:30am most days now. Sometimes they are overtired or just too overstimulated to have a proper full nights deep sleep. Hope this helps x

@Hollie-mae Anywhen between 7&8. But we’ve tried earlier bedtimes and later and nothing seems to work x

@Nicole aw no!😢 sometimes i think it just takes a while to find a good routine with them, I thought it would never get better with mine. I hope you work around it soon! X

Mines the same but it's better than waking every hour overnight 😭😩

My son screams hysterical between 5pm and 6pm i have ti put him down at 6pm witch I no is early but as soon as I put him to bed he goes straight to sleep till 11pm wakes for a bottle the. Wakes at 4am he then gets up at 6:30am/7am if he goes to bed later he’s a nightmare wakes more in the night

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