Am I overthinking

So I have a 9 month old baby boy, When you calm him he won’t always respond to his name, he will sometimes look at you but not always, he used to say mumma and stop, he will now occasionally say it, but says dadda all the time, he will sometimes clap, is he hitting milestones or should I be concerned, I’m worried these are signs of autism.
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What does baby’s GP think? Every baby develops completely differently but if you’re worried you should ask for a referral to be assessed.

I’m waiting for my referral now to be seen, I’m a big over thinker as it is I just get so worried.

He's still very young and exploring his different skills. Sometimes they stick with one thing for a while before something new takes their interest instead. 9 months is far too young to assess for autism as development at this point is so varied that it wouldn't be possible to categorically say that he's autistic or not just an average baby who learns and develops in a non-linear fashion. I'm autistic myself so don't want to downplay your worry but at this point in time, just enjoy your baby for who he is as there's plenty of time in the future to look again and consider whether an assessment is necessary.

As a nursery practitioner (baby room leader for 2 years +) he sounds like he’s absolutely fine. You’ll find babies learn very early that they don’t always have to answer to their names and be in their own little world. As long as he’s not stopped talking completely, don’t worry. Babies don’t always do things on command and will engage when they want to. They’re walking/crawling intrusive thoughts, haha. As Faye said he’s far too young to be assessed for Autism, they don’t start looking at diagnosing unless there’s serious concerns/delays around 3-5 years old.

Babies can be very stubborn. Particularly if its a boy. My boy was the same but now he doesn't stop. I think sometimes they just go into their own little world. You're doing a great job so don't worry but if you want to.. call your health visitor and ask for a little bit of advice. I called mine and they said it was completely normal for him. Xxx

This sounds normal to me. From what I’ve heard about autism, he’s too young to be diagnosed anyway. 9 months is still very young. It’s normal for a baby to say a word and then stop for awhile. Babies usually say dada first because it’s easier.

I mean my 10month old doesn’t do any of that except the occasional dadadada and autism would never have occurred to me! Babies develop as the develop no reason to assume anything is wrong. You’ll have a 1 year check up with the HV re-milestones soon so can discuss it with them

My 9 month old has only said “hola” and “papa” a handful of times. He grunts and claps and waves sometimes but for the most part he just likes to stare at people and get into things. His physical milestones have come WAAAAY sooner than his verbal/mental ones, he was crawling and standing way earlier than most. I also was really freaked out that he wasn’t going as fast as other babies but my doctor said it wasn’t something to worry about until he gets closer to 1.5-2years old. I hope you put your mind at ease but keep advocating for your baby!! 🤍

My LO used to say dadda all the time and now she absolutely refuses. I say dadda and she puts on this naughty smile and says mamma really loud. Babies do what they want, when they want.

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