Breastfeed struggle

I am FTM, baby is 3 months and 1 week old. I am struggling with breastfeeding issues since beginning. Despite the pain i am exclusively breastfeeding baby girl. History is in first few weeks i had very bad deep stabbing pain in my breast. Which got relieved after doing antibiotics course suggested by GP. Then started the pain in nipple and aerola and itching in the left breast which i am currently struggling with. Went for tongue tie at 9 week. They said baby have posterior tongue tie which they can mildly release it but it may or may not improve breastfeeding. So i went for second opinion to their lead. She checked baby and said no need to release it as her tongue movement is really good. So we dint do it. And just changed my position to rugby hold when feeding which helped a little Now at 14 week with my baby girl i am having aerola and nipple pain that stays all the time but when she is feeding there is no pain in the breasts at all in aerola n nipple but once she is done feeding there is pain. In my left breast there is itching as well when she feeds. Got myself checked for thrush . There is no thrush as well. Hv said latch looks fine and go to gp for further diagnosis. When i go to gp they say go to hv. I am going back n forth each week , nothing helps. I m determined to do breastfeeding for an year but not sure i ll be able to with this pain. Please help. I tried silverettes, multiple nipple creams. Nothing helps.
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Have you spoken to a breast feeding consultant? They may be able to help? There are usually local Breast feeding support groups that you can attend and they may be able to support? They helped me loads! If not maybe call the breastfeeding support network? (Google them for the number) I hope you find the answer x

Go see lactaction specialist. Maybe the itch is an allergy reaction to your soap, perfumes, etc

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