Does anyone else hate breastfeeding?

I feel like I'm supposed to enjoy it and I do like 25% to 59% of the time. And for the most part it's painless but it's just so time consuming and takes up most of my day and I know I'm privileged to be able to even breastfeed since I know so many women can't but I really don't like it whatsoever but the guilt of even considering formula is so much!
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Yes you’re not alone. I lasted about 8 weeks I just didn’t like it although I loved the idea of it! I felt so guilty switching to formula but it made my mental health so much better. I always wished I was one of those people that loved it but it just wasn’t like that for me

I hated it too!!! Honestly the build up to switching to formula was awful because of the guilt and the hormones getting in the way. When I finally stopped…all of that disappeared and I was just like THANK GOD!!!! I’ve already decided I won’t be breastfeeding my second kid (whenever that will be). The freedom once it’s over..oh baby it’s too good

Ino what u mean it is really time consuming and sometimes mentally draining. I express and use bottles through out the day as hubby and family can help and then breast feed in the night

Do not feel guilty 💛 forget every one else and do what you feel comfortable with. Your baby need an happy mommy, so if it’s better for you to use formula, it’s oki💛 (sorry for any mistakes, french is my first language )

I completely understand how you’re feeling as someone who EBF for months, but definitely don’t let the idea of switching how you feed your child make you feel bad. Baby can read your mood changes so if you’re stressing they are. Do what’s best for you and baby ❤️

I thought I was the only one 😭 I think about formula sometimes but since I started breastfeeding I feel like I have to finish strong lol but there is nothing wrong with formula and breastfeeding ? Only because sometimes no one else can take care of my baby because they can’t feed her 😅😭

I lasted about 2 months before I started weening off. I felt the same I think breast feeding was making me depressed. Wether I was making a lot or too little. I felt like there was a bar I was supposed to meet. I have a really good partner who kept me up and told me I was okay. You are okay. Formula is okay. Your health is important. Your mental health is important. The best thing for your baby is that you're okay. Even if you aren't breastfeeding you are and will always be a great mother.

I enjoy breastfeeding. I'm still in awe of what my body has done and is still doing for my baby. knowing I'm able to provide for my baby just melts my heart. BUT what I absolutely cannot stand is the "let-down" ugh! 😩 feels so weird lol

I only started loving it 3-4 months in. It’s tough in the beginning but now I love it

I don’t actively enjoy doing it but I do enjoy not cleaning bottles, not spending money on formula and 0 prep to feed my babies. It’s got so many benefits to it that for the annoyance I find with it which has decreased over time it just worth it, but you figure out what works for you! Some people do both.

I hated it too

Honestly this is the reason why I had PPD with my previous baby I was exhausted overwhelmed and felt like I never get any rest or peace as baby was constantly feeding or just cluster feeding and by the time I done one feed I barely get sleep and other feed time came. I breastfed my first two babies but with my third one I give breast milk but I’m pumping and she drinks it from bottle. I didn’t want to give her formula as I would feel guilty but I decided to pump and give her milk this way so both of us are satisfied and so far I’m enjoying pumping and even washing sterilising/to make my life easier I use Milton sterilising tablets in cold water/! She drinks her milk in few minutes time and after burping and little bit of cuddles she settles and we both get sleep. Sometimes 1-2hours sometimes 3 hours but I feel much better mentally the way I m doing things. No matter which way you choose to feed your baby the important it’s that baby is fed that’s all that matters and your wellbeing

I have trouble with some night and early morning feeds because I’m tired and want to just lay down and relax

Please do whatever is best for you and your baby and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but I just wanted to offer some hope if you did want to continue. Breastfeeding gets so much easier as time goes on. Most babies feed less often, you don’t have the faff of washing and sterilising bottles (genuinely don’t know how people have the energy with this one - well done!) and you categorically can never forget your boobs when you go out. I say this as someone 5 months into EBF their second and who fed their first for 2 years in some capacity because it was just easier. I wish you luck whatever you chose to do.

I have mixed feelings about it, I love the fact that my baby can rely on me for it and I have that special bond with her that her dad can’t even do with her. But at the same time it is very time consuming and I don’t pump often I just feed her whenever she’s hungry so it’s hard especially when I need to go out or when people are over. It’s also hard because I would have to feed her before I go anywhere and make sure I have enough time to even do so. I don’t have a diaper bag with insulated pockets so it’s not like I can even bring any out until I can get one. I don’t like the idea of formula at all. But it would help with my baby daddy when he has her and me getting some more sleep at night or in the morning when he takes care of her.

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I hated it for the first 2-3 months, but pushed through because I hated the idea of formula. It's packed with seed oils and as a dietician am very against it unless it's absolutely vital. Breastmilk also has so many benefits and both personally and professionally, I don't mean to be insensitive but if you're physically able to BF I think it's quite selfish to switch to formula. Regardless, after the first 3 months it got easier and I ended up very happily breastfeeding for 2 years :) Things that helped me and made me look forward to feeding in those first few months were: - I found a series I enjoyed and only watched it while feeding. It allowed me to switch off for a bit while baby ate. You could do the same with a podcast, book or whatever helps you relax. - I'd make a cup of tea, hot choc or whatever your beverage is and drink that while feeding. - I had a little bowl of all of my fav snacks, fruits and cut vegetables next to the rocking chair and only allowed them while feeding.

- Following on, the last thing was I co-slept which helped SO much at night. I can honestly say I never had a really bad night's sleep in those 2 years because we fed laying down. So baby didn't fully wake up to eat most of the time and even though I did, I didn't have a hard time getting back to sleep because I didn't subject myself to light changes (it affects your body and hormones) Hopefully some of that might help :)

I’m trying to hard to make it to a year but it’s definitely love hate relationship sometimes. I miss the freedom of having my body to myself and it seems like it makes my hormones really wonky plus I hold on to extra weight his has been annoying. I know I’m going to miss it so much when it’s over but I’m also looking forward to stopping at the same time.

It’ll get better! At 3 months, my baby started feeding for much shorter periods I went from feeding for 6hr a day to 2.5hrs a day, in total.

I wasn't able to produce breaskmilk with my preemie (which was so hard for me but i came to terms with it) and my daughter is doing amazing on formula! I understand the guilt, I felt it not being able to feed my daughter the best, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with formula.

my baby is formula fed because i knew mentally i wouldn’t be able to handle breastfeeding. i wouldn’t feel guilty over feeding your child in a way that is healthy for you and them. theres nothing wrong with formula feeding. and its okay to put yourself first sometimes, especially when it comes to the fact that you need good mental health to be able to take care of baby well.

Girl, same. With all the other stuff going on, it’s hard as hell. Just do whatever you think it’s best and don’t guilt yourself into anything. Your baby will be happy as long as you’re happy.

I only had intentions to breast feed but was of the mindset that I wasn’t putting pressure on myself as so many babies are formula fed. I lasted 3 days. Started formula the day my milk came in (that’s been fun) but I actually feel so much better for it. We have a bit more structure to our day, she’s content and sleeps well, I know how much she’s taking and I find I’m bonding with her more looking into her eyes with a bottle than when she was on my boob. fed is best, and more importantly a happy mum = happy baby

@Jenna how do you cosleep without waking baby up with your movements in bed?

@Alicia I'm not sure tbh! It's just never been an issue. I got up through the night and never woke him, and even as a 2 year old now he doesn't wake when I get up every 5 seconds 🥲 (I'm 34 weeks pregnant) Does yours or you just think it'll be an issue? Because tbh idk if it varies baby to baby or it just doesn't really affect them - I mean they're use to movement being inside the womb? Sorry I couldn't be more help though!

@Alicia I ninja roll away and get on the bed very gently. I also put on rainforest sounds so that she will not wake up to noises. She is more likely to wake to movement than sound. I know you didn’t ask me, but I also co-sleep and wanted to help 🤣

@Jenna @Kassia If we’re cosleeping it’s because she had been nursing and fell asleep at the boob. But if I unlatch her, she is more sensitive to movements and sounds around her. So if I try to reposition myself, move the comforter, roll away, etc, she can almost always detect this.

Have u heard of DMERS? I deal with it and it makes me not like BF completely, but I'm pushing thru to at least 6 months, I would feel too guilty and with the condition it does get easier the longer u BF from what my lactation consultant tells me and I would say it's true

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