
Hi ladies! I need help! Last week I went to my OB and she said I was only a centimeter dilated. Well this week I went back I’m still a centimeter! I am 39 weeks 2 days and it looks like my little one will be late and I need to schedule an induction. What were ways you were able to go into labor naturally?
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Sounds uncomfortable but have sex. That legit helped my contractions go from 2cm to 6cm and took me 2 hours to give birth xx

My OB said sex was the best thing to induce labor. I tried curb walking but I was induced.

Sex is the only thing proven to work.

You aren’t “late” until after 42 weeks. No need for induction by the sound of it. You have over two weeks to go into spontaneous labour. Please read up on the risks of induction and benefits of spontaneous labour.

Exactly what @Lottie said! Also dilation is a really unreliable prediction of what's going to happen, it can only tell you what's currently happening. You might go from 0-5 in 4 days and then 4-10 in 1 hour, or vice versa! And labour is fueled by oxytocin, which is a very "shy" hormone. If you're feeling anxious and keep getting your cervix prodded and poked at you're going to be telling your body that it's not a safe time to give birth. Try not to think about dates and centimetres. Have a bath, clear your head, get comfortable, and find ways to relax. Your body will naturally go into labour when it feels safe and right to do so

@Lottie the only problem is he is oversized😭 he’s about 10lbs right now

I scheduled an induction for a week after my due date and the ob did a cervical sweep at 40+1 and that night my water broke

My boy was measuring big. I had a midwife check at 40 weeks and was only 1cm dilated. He came 4 days later! Up to you but as others have said I really wouldn’t rush to be induced. I’m always told Your body won’t make a baby that’s too big to birth x

Exercise ball and look at mamaste fit Instagram they have tonnes of videos to show how to open pelvis etc

girl you’re not too late! be patient baby will come!! i got a membrane sweep and had sex the same night and i went into labor the next day at 41 weeks

When I was having my first kid I went through a week of slow dilation and constant Braxton hicks. We tried sex and nothing happened. I ended up getting a membrane sweep and went into labor the next day. I was at week 37 when the dilation and Braxton hicks hit me so baby was born at week 38.

@lottie I was induced and everything was fine but I also had pre-eclampsia, nothing wrong with being induced if that’s what’s needed just the contractions hurt like all time, but I would just wait and see always talk to your OB about your options and what you feel comfortable with x

@Cassidy scans can be 10-15% wrong either way. Please let us know baby’s weight when they arrive! Also inducing for a ‘big baby’ as the only risk factor isn’t evidence based or in any guidelines.

@Krystal completely different then as preeclampsia is very serious for you and baby.

I did a LOT of walking and ate things that made me feel happy since sex was a painful option at the time. Getting your natural oxytocin increased is a huge factor for labor coming on.

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@Cassidy definitely do a sweep before anything else too and get it done multiple times if needed

I agree with everyone about you still having time! Your no where near late. Most first time moms go into spontaneous labor around 40 + 6! Try the miles circuit too, sex (semen is the key here), raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation (while enjoying sex would be great for oxytocin), curb walking and you could use your breast pump too. Keep doing these things daily and hopefully things will progress soon! I just saw somewhere that having sex 3x (with the male partner climaxing inside) within 24 hours is the same dose of a cervical ripener as one of the medications they use in the hospital. I did not fact check that but it can't hurt 😂

Apparently if you have sex like 4 or 5 times within 24hrs that's like the equivalent to a dosage of pitocin they give you in the hospital or something like that, also just get after it with your vibrator if sex is too much, pumping , staying relaxed, even a glass of wine, midwives brew (its not too bad), spicy food or really just any food that can make you poop

Omg, it happened the same to me haha but no matter what you try to do your baby is the only one with the decision to come out. I was also 1cm dilated like two weeks before the date and I try everything, drinking hot chocolate, making exercise, going for a walk, having sex and nothing worked. My baby was supposed to be born on March 1st, and you know what? On March 1st at 5:00 am I started labor 😵‍💫 and my baby born at 5:18 pm

You don’t have to go in for the induction if you don’t want to - I was scheduled and booked in and didn’t feel right about induction (I was 40weeks 1 day).. I called and said I didn’t want to and my obstetrician said that’s fine! She was awesome and said baby is healthy, you can go 10 days over and then we will induce. Went into labour naturally at 40+6 ☺️ I was 3cm dilated from 38 weeks, so wouldn’t worry too much about that!

Get that oxytocin going. Sex!

Dilation can be a little tricky to go by because you can dilate and then it can shrink back like mine did. I dilated to 4 and then went back to 2 prior to my induction.

Lots and I mean lots of walking. Pumping as well, or just nipple stimulation in general. Curb walking, both sides equal. Any exercise that stretches out your hips and bouncing to encourage drooping to dialate more.

It’s not a linear progression. The day I started contractions my cervix was still high and completely closed that morning. Also you do not need to schedule an induction. The due date is not an actual deadline. It’s just an estimate of around when you might go into labour. But it could also be another 3 weeks

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