Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

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Meal prep lunch for my 10 month old

Croissants stuffed with chicken, veggies and mozzarella cheese!



How are ya’ll getting your babies comfortable with food we’ve been trying since she was 5 months because that’s what her doctor said but she shows little to no interest she’s breast fed but not picky. She will try anything and likes most of it but doesn’t want it. The same with purées


How much are your little ones eating

My lb is 6 weeks, how much is everyone’s lo drinking roughly and how often are they drinking?


How do you know what size to make the food?

My baby is 9 months and has two teeth. He is able to pick food up and put it in his mouth. But I find myself spoon feeding him more because I’m afraid he’s going to choke if he grabs too much food. How do you know how big to cut everything? I’ve only had success with grated cheese. But whenever my dad sees him put ...


Recipes for picky mama

Does anyone have food recipes for a mama who's a picky eater? I hate veggies besides salad, broccoli, and carrots, and fruit wise I mainly like oranges. I'm open to options. I need help


On the go lunch

Going to haven next week my baby will be 10 months , any ideas what I can give for dinner time meals as we will be out pretty much all day and I don’t want to go back to caravan to make something. I can only think of sandwiches? I always make home made stuff and he’ll be having food pouches for tea time and bits of...


BLW / self spoon feeding?

Anyone else's baby not using a spoon well at all? My lo is more interested in thrashing it about than putting it in his mouth. He also more often than not puts the wrong end in his mouth.


Meal ideas

I need meal ideas I can give my little one. I know wic turns into regular food once she hits one. We have a limited income so trying to make food on a budget. I just worry we won’t have enough to feed her. Anyone know how to meal plan. We have food stamps as well. I got breakfast down but lunch and dinner I’m strugg...


Weaning too early?

Each to their own with what you do with your child I’m not here to judge! Just a genuine question for mums whose babies are weaning already, are your babies sitting unsupported yet? My boy is 20 weeks (5 months on the 9th) and is still unable to sit unsupported and hasn’t shown a great interest in food yet. I’ve let...


Fussy eater

I’m really at a lose of what to do with my little boys eating. He’s so fussy and just won’t try anything new. At dinner times, will only eat chips and one type of microwave tray meal. He eats snacks during the day and loves crisps/biscuits/yoghurts, but he won’t try anything different. Every dinner time is a battle ...


Quick meals

What quick meals do you give your LOs? I’m now expecting and I’m too tired to cook most days. My son also doesn’t eat spicy food and has intolerances to dairy and egg so I feel like he eats the same few things on rotation: Pasta (with mince or tuna usually Rice with lamb curry Shepherds pie Fish fingers PB sandwic...



I’ve been a puree mama but my little one is 6.5 months and don’t know when I’m supposed to introduce actual pieces of food? I know she can’t be on puree forever but I’m so scared 😭 I gave her 2 ellas kitchen melty sticks today and she started coughing with them which hasn’t reassured me 😢 What’s the first actual…


Easy toddler meal ideas

Looking for ideas for toddler meals. Have a newborn so the easier the meal the better! Please share all your ideas!


What are you guys feeding your little ones?? Do they feed themselves?

My baby girl loves fruit 🍌 strawberries 🍓 and I did the lil puffs for breakfast. I feel so out of wack being though my kids are 13yrs and 3months apart!



Please tell me other mums are struggling with getting there babies on solids! My son’s 7 months on Monday and he only eats pured stuff but is so fussy! I’m trying my best but feel I’m doing a bad job as I think he should be getting better! I’m slowly trying him more on BLW but I’m terrified at the same time!


Not sure what to do anymore

My baby girl won’t eat anything I try to give her Is anyone else going through this or has gone through this and found a secret to get your baby to eat? We’ve tried oatmeal, fruits, veggies Nothing works She’s turning 8 months soon.


Eating on the go

I’m struggling on what to give my 10 month old on the go, whilst we’re out and about. Something not so messy for them etc. does any one have any ideas


Is everyone completely having bub self feed

Every meal and bottle? Or do you still sometimes use food pouches and feed them so its not to crazy messy once a day or every 2 days for 1 meal My bub eats all meals, finger foods mainly. Not really with spoon, fork unless i preload it. Bottles i pretty much still hold for her ? She gets usually 2 bottles a day....



My 2 year old will NOT eat without watching simple songs or Miss Rachel. I swear he would starve before eating without it lol please tell me I am not alone. I feel awful about it


10 month old

Hi everyone so my little boy will be 1 in July 4th and he’s 10months at the moment but 11 months in three days. So he said mum at 3months dad at 7months nan at 9months and apple today since he’s ten months. My mum said he’s really smart since most babies don’t know four words. I never tried to teach him the word App...


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