Baby bath tubs

What bath tubs do people use from 5+ months ? I have the Nuby (attached in photo) but now my LO is bigger, once he sits in it the water doesn’t cover him anymore and keep him warm. Should I get a different one? Or do people fill their big bath and put the baby bath in it for them ?
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I have the schnuggle version these are incredible !!

We just did it shallow for her to lay down in & she loves it. She’s not in it long enough to get cold plus she’s constantly splashing around which keeps her warm x

@Danielle schnuggle toddler bath is the best

We just bought one from Ikea. We don’t have a bath and she loves splashing water around, which she couldn’t do in the smaller one (we had the same one)

Had the angelcare I think it was called seat in the bath and filled it to around his waist height until he started trying to climb out about a month or 2 later and switched to just a bath mat and shallow bath. It's totally safe to just go straight to bath mat once LO is happy sitting unaided though I liked the security of knowing he couldn't wobble over in the seat


I have a bath seat I got from mamas and papas. It's the best! Gives them lots of room for toys ect

Snuggle toddler bath is brill, my 18m old still uses it. Uses half the water compared to filling a big bath

We used a baby dam with a bath seat, would definitely recommend!

Thanks everyone!😃 Damelza I’ve never seen a baby dam, what a brilliant idea!!

Both my kids were sitting up by 5 months, so we put them in the regular bath tub and let them sit and play in it

If they sit up well, straight in the big tub. I have also seen people put a laundry basket in the tub to keep them a little more contained and safe.

@Megan they're great! And saves water as you don't have to fill up the whole bath. 😄

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