Induction Ladies

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Induction Ladies

For ladies who need or want to be induced, a safe and positive place to talk about induction, away from the negative nellies who are against it🙄

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Incognito in Induced labor

Induction fail

Hello all, I am currently admitted for an induction and it's been almost 24 hours since they put the pessary in, but I feel that it completely failed as I don't feel any different. I also feel really judged by the staff given I'm in week 38, high risk, with GD and I chose to do the induction, and been seeing mul...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Induced labor


I'm getting my date for my induction in 3 days I'm 38 weeks and on metformin and only just been informed I'll be getting induced. I've never been induced so I'd love to hear some positive induction stories and some advice. Please note I am aware of the negative stories I've heard so many and they've scared me so ple...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Other

Hospital bag for induction

My baby has been booked to be born via an induction next month. She will have a heart condition so I need to travel nearly 2 hours to specialist hospital to be induced there. I have been told it can take a few days by their midwives. I will also be staying in the hospital after birth for a while due to operation nee...

  • C
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  • C

B in Induced labor

Induction experiences?

Anyone wants to share their experience? Thanks

  • B
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L in Induced labor

Postive induction stories ( 2nd induction )

I’m due to be induced on Thursday and looking for some positive induction stories to help calm my anxieties. I had an induction with my last baby which took 5 days before bubba arrived. Honestly think I’m slightly traumatised by the situation as the thought of going through it again is making me soo anxious, Has a...

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