
Anyone else’s child just seem to be constantly poorly?! She’s had 9 bouts of tonsillitis, 2 lots of conjunctivitis and a constant stream of colds. I know it’s part of growing up, I work in the nursery she attends, so I know there’s loads of sickness etc. But bloody hell! It’s constant!!! She hasn’t been in nursery since Wednesday and she’s really suffering today bless her!
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Yes, baby girl brought home vomiting on Friday, and now my son has just been sick. Happy Mother’s Day to me 🤦🏻‍♀️

Mine was like this for 6 full months after starting nursery, then it magically just stopped! We then moved to the UK and started all over again 🙈 but we’re 6 months in now and she’s been fine for 3 whole weeks now which is a record so hoping we’re past the constantly ill stage.

She’s been in nursery since she was 9 months old and she’s now 19 months. Honestly it’s draining, it’s never ending is it?! X

@Sinitta oh no!!! X

@Jess that’s so annoying. Hopefully as the weather warms up it will get better xx

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