How are we sterilising teethers and toys?

It takes about a minute for my LO to put the clean teether or toy in her mouth before she drops it on the floor!! I re-sterilise in the Milton bucket but it means I’m sterilising more than 5 times a day. Is this what everyone else does?? Any ideas/ tips?
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I have vital baby aqua spray or just use a wipe- not overly fussed on sterilising now that she is chewing everything, maybe different it you have pets

I use a sterilising spray or an antibac wipe, but I really don’t do it that often. Only if stuff looks visibly dirty, or if it falls on the floor outside. If things fall onto the carpet or whatever, I won’t sterilise before I give it back 🤷🏻‍♀️

I only sterilize before the first use. Afterwards I just wash well with water and soap

I dont tend to sterilise just use Milton wipes or soap and water, but I'm not massively fussed in sterilising toys, teethers etc x

I wash the toys from time to time but definitely don't sterilise anything. I do believe that exposing kids to all sorts of stuff is important for the development of their immune system.

I just don’t… just give them a wash every now and then…

I used to be so paranoid over this but literally I make sure no dirt is on it and I give him it back maybe use a baby wipe if he’s lucky🤣 I caught him licking the floor yesterday so I mean🤷🏽‍♀️ I sterilise all his toys once a week though

We just wipe or spray. Or chuck in the dishwasher if possible. What are people doing about sterilising dummies now?

Milton do sprays and wipes x

I've only sterilised them before first use then every so often I'll give them a wash with dish soap and hot water, or pour some kettle water over them 🤷🏼‍♀️ like others have said, they literally shove everything in their mouths at this age so they're bound to be exposed to a few germs now!

I just wash with soap and water if at home and if out and it’s dropped I have the sterilising spray which is really handy

I'm not sterilising just rinse if it goes on the floor. 😊

I use the Milton wipes if it drops outside/somewhere public and it’s something like a teething toy she’ll want back straight away and then just give them all a proper wash weekly.

Reading these comments makes me think I’m OTT 😭 I rewash and resterilise even if I touch the part he’s going to chew (and I’m constantly washing my hands!), so yes I was it each time it ends up on the floor also sterilising 1000000 times a day 😬

@Parris I’m the same. Carry vital baby spray with me EVERYWHERE and have the large bottle in the house 😂

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@Rebecca me too!! 🤣🤣 poor thing his hands are constantly sprayed haha

Thanks everyone. Definitely feeling like I may have been a bit OTT. The suggestions are very helpful xx

My girl chews everything and takes everything out of my hands to chew so I don’t both sterilising teething toys I just wash them if they drop on the floor x

@CeeCee I do this too, and then do a proper wash and sterilise of them all every now and then.

I don't 😂

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