Forced gagging

My little girl keeps shoving her fingers down her throat, making herself gag and even throwing up a few times. Directly after she wanders off to play while I clean it up. She’s perfectly fine. She’s my second, I saw this behavior with my first and I know it’s normal body exploration but still 🥲 is anyone else’s baby doing this?
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Yes… every time I give my LO a bath.. he sticks his fingers down his throat.. 🫠🫠

my son does this too. he’s my second as well, but he thinks it’s funny for some reason? idk i think it’s normal😭

Yes my babygirl use to do it. As a first time mom it scared me. Then found out they just like to test their gag reflexes. She would do it every time after a shower

Oh my goodness! I have twin boys who have done this. The one did it, so the other started. They think it’s hilarious. Luckily, it has stopped. I just redirect it like other poor behaviors. Definitely something I didn’t realize they did until I had them.

My son does that too!!!

Mine too so it’s a phase I guess (18mo)

My son does this!! It’s weird but super normal for them

Yes my son does it as well more when he’s throwing a tantrum

Ha…glad I’m not alone. He doesn’t vomit, but he def gags sometimes. I can’t get him to keep his fingers out of his mouth.

my daughter never did this so i was so shook when my son did it. it is sooo annoying to me so usually i give him something to distract him he hasn’t actually throw up though. just some gagging

Mine does this but i think hes gumming his fingers with his back gums. Anytime i see fingers in mouth i give him my pacifier cause i hate seeing him throwing up.

My daughter used to do this exact same thing, it would drive me crazy. Especially because anytime i would tell her no or take it out she’d throw a fit and then do it again. But she grew out of it

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