Just so frustrated

My baby is 4 months and still struggles a lot with head control he is very wobbly and cannot hold it up well. I had him evaluated by early intervention and I felt like the lady completely dismissed it because he’s developmentally fine in all other things. She said he did not qualify for services and was fine. He went to the doctor today for his 4 month check up and the doctor said his head is not where it should be and she’s genuinely shocked they denied him services. She also is referring him to neuro and to get a head ultrasound because he has jumped from the 40th to 87th percentile for his head in 2 months and is worried about potential fluid. I’m just so stressed and upset idk what else to do to help his neck I’m already doing tummy time multiple times a day multiple different ways and it isn’t helping. I’m so worried about potential fluid.
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Hopefully everything is okay! I don't have any experience with this but if your doctor is involved now just give your baby lots of cuddles and you'll get it figured out. Clearly your intuition guided you in the right direction even though the lady dismissed you. Just keep listening to your inner guide and advocate for you and your baby! You got this!

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