
I know this is very personal opinion but why is everyone getting induced? Like I know there are certain circumstances but a lot of the reasons I’m seeing are ridiculous and seems like the doctors are just making up bullshit to make it more convenient for them. Babies will come when they are ready. Adding intervention, I feel causes more issues.
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I’m getting induced to low fluid and baby being stressed and I have high liver enzymes

i’m getting induced because my bf travels for work and his company will not let him leave out on a whim, they want a fs day because he is high up in his career and they would need to find someone qualified to take over his crew! i didn’t want to get induced but this company has a chokehold over us because he brings in so much money so there for im having to get induced:(

My biggest decision to make right now…I totally agree with you like why is EVERYONE getting induced? My baby is small and they say that poses a risk of stillbirth, which is not something I’m willing to mess around with and feel pressured into getting induced because of

@avery that’s so sad I’m sorry):

they gave him a choice to resign if he has to leave on a whim, meaning me choosing natural birth chances him missing the birth of his child.

I've been seeing a lot of people choosing to get induced early too and I totally get it if medically necessary or some ppl like to have it planned so they can prepare better, but personally since this is my first child, I don't want to be induced unless I have to.

@Katelyn gosh I’m sorry girl): go with your gut, you body knows what to do❤️

@avery that’s so messed up!

I asked for one today due to extreme back/pelvic pain. I really just wanted to wait it out and planned to do so but the pain is so severe I’m pulling over to the side of the road bc my vision starts to go black and I think I’m gonna pass out/I have to hold onto things while I walk so I don’t fall. They offered me narcotics instead. Personally, I would rather induce than take narcotic drugs electively ever but especially while pregnant.

my last baby was over ten pounds and had a should dystocia and this baby is measuring big as well so we will be inducing at 39 weeks

@Katelyn hey, my first was small too and now this one. I ended up induced with my first and he ended up not tolerating labor well and we needed an emergency c section. He just wanted to come on his own. Is your doctor doing NSTs for you? I go every other day & while it’s a hassle, I would rather not put the added trauma of an induced labor on my already small high risk baby. Don’t let them pressure you, but it is understandable either way 💖💖

@Emalee NST twice a week by this point! I would like to think that “watchful waiting” is an option

@Emalee are you trying induction again?

@Hanna I feel for you. I had to get a couple of sciatica cushions off of Amazon and now I'm able to take a 9 Hour Rd. trips without cursing every decision that led me to the pain 😂 I keep one in my office chair at home because without it I couldn't sit down to work for any more than an hour two.

High BP through pregnancy and we went through IVF so they recommend not going past 39 weeks to minimize risks

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@Katelyn I’m not going to try it again, I really debated it because of the stillbirth risk, but my little guy almost died from me being induced. I know everyone experiences it differently but since he was little it was harder on him 😟 it’s a very hard decision

@Emalee can I ask how little he was at birth?

@Katelyn he was 5 pounds exactly!

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