Too many to count. But one that stands out is that if I had OCD my house would be cleaner, that my house looks like a xmas tree cuz i have too many things hanging up, that I'm emotionally damaged, that i was too poor to get a second dog, that i should never have kids, the list goes on..... she is so unaware of what an asshole she if and considers herself a saint
@Andrina WOW. the bar for her is in HELL😤
My friend Jen died and we went to the funeral which happened to be the weekend of my mil's birthday. She was so excited for us to visit she said "oh thank you Jen" 😳🙄
@Anna wow
My husband had a stroke in December 2022, and MIL pressured me to yank him out of inpatient rehab against medical advice... just so he could be home on New Year's Eve. 🙃 I explained (over text) all the reasons why that was a terrible idea, and all she said was, "Ok." And then didn't even come visit him on NYE because she had the damn sniffles. 🙄
@Andrina I hope you told her to get absolutely fucked, I’d have lamped her one if my MIL had the audacity to ask that!
@Joanne 😂dw we have zero relationship
@~ Miss Ritaa🦋 oh believe me there’s a special place for people like that🙃🙃
When it was my wedding my bridesmaids asked our guests to wait in the bar at the hotel while I got in the car so that they wouldn't see my dress before the wedding. She was overheard saying (not to quietly) "oh cmon who the fuck does she think she is the queen". On our wedding day. That's one of many. I tell myself not to hear her now.
This was with one of my older 2 and with my ex MIL but my kid was fighting sleep and I finally got them to fall asleep in my arms. I said mom wins and my ex MIL looked at me and kid you not said "it's a good thing Jesus never talks to us that way"........I'm sorry what?! No........
Too many to count.. but one which I don’t know if I could ever forgive her for is that it was my fault I was raped and I made my PTSD up. I found out she had said this several times behind my back. Despite thinking she was one of the few people who would understand the struggles of PTSD (she has bipolar). I had turned to her in my darkest times and had deep conversations with her over the last couple years about being sectioned for my PTSD and through the ups and downs of hospital and the police investigation.
@Nicole WOW. again, the bar for her is in HELL! sorry you went through that, i hope your in a better place x
She met my son for the first time and thanked my husband
I was expecting a baby in August 2023 so my MIL and FIL rearranged their holiday they had planned to take that month to the November 2023. Sadly I ended up having a miscarriage and upon telling them the news of the M/C my MIL immediately said ‘ so we cancelled our holiday for nothing!!!’ We have since been blessed with a healthy baby girl but it’s safe to say my relationship with my MIL was never the same after that…
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My MIL tried to take over planning my wedding - she picked a location, guest list…everything and assumed we would just go with it. When I kindly explained to her that I did not want a big wedding, she accused me and my family or being poor (which we are not). I just don’t like being the center of attention and wanted to use the wedding money MY parents gave us to invest in real estate. MIL still doesnt get it and still brings it up 'well maybe if you win the lottery you can afford the wedding of your dreams..' for the record if i won the lottery I would also invest all of that money. MIL can go FO.
@Katie My MIL said she thought he was going to marry his bestfriend, at a table full of people, at my rehearsal dinner and our wedding was the next day😂😂😂😂😭
@Georgi what’s her address I just wanna talk… Sending you love for your loss and also congrats on babygirl 💛🤍✨🫶🏾
After my son passed away my mil asked for my sons death certificate so my fil can get reimbursed by his work for taking time off… she’s a cunt lmao🤷🏻♀️