
Hey guys, my baby just turned 3 months and wondering what milestones your babies have hit? She HATES tummy time so in all honesty we don’t do it a lot, she’s always smiley, can hold her own head up etc. But she still hasn’t rolled over or had a laugh yet? Wondering if this is normal or am I just a first time mama overthinking again
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i think rolling isnt expected yet 🙂 my little one does laugh but very rarely and its unexpected! Everytime i do tummy time he spits up so I feel bad doing it 🙈 Umm he can sit if I'm holding his hands for balance and also stands for a couple of minutes if im holding him obviously. He now holds toys in his hands and puts them in his mouth like rattles, not all the time though. I cant really think of anything else!xx

Loves kicking.... Dont know if thats a milestone but he is obsessed with kicking me when changing him or on his piano playmat 🤣

My Don hasn’t rolled yet. He can hold his head up pretty well and is tolerating tummy time a bit more😂 he had his first laugh just before he hit three months and I’ve only heard it once since. Love books and crinkly toys but not much else really

Kicking, chatting all different sounds/noises, giggling/laughing, very smiley, loves tummy time but always has, holds his head up and follows objects/people with a smooth gaze. Turns his head towards familiar voices, studies us talking and eating. Hitting, grabbing and holding toys/objects. Rolling from front to back(sometimes) Trying to reach forward with one arm during tummy time. Puts his feet together and very occasionally feet on the floor and pushes his hips up when on his back. Figured out how to use the fidget spinners on the bath and his sit me up tray. Grabs and feels his face a lot especially when tired. Can push his dummy back in his mouth if it’s just come out/falling out. Loves crinkly and rattly toys!

My little girl will be three months next week! We have good head control and she loves to sit up (still wobbly by herself mind haha) She also hates tummy time so we do it once in a blue moon for precisely 2 seconds (terrible mum I know 😂) She’s only rolled to her side twice but that was when she was only a month old and I think a fluke haha! Since then she’s never even attempted it by herself! We’ve had one little laugh (2 days ago) and sadly only smiles since! I thought once she’d laughed there’d be no stopping it! But I was very sadly wrong 🤣 Try not to get hung up on everyone else’s babies though! They’re all different and perfect in their own ways 🥰

@Ceri literally could have written this for my little boy, minus the rolling over x

@Jasmine aww so sweet 🥰🥹

I wouldn’t worry! Babies have their own time for everything! Mine doesn’t like tummy time either, I try to distract with toys and every time we increase the time a bit, but I don’t push too much. For the laughing part I spend time talking to him, make funny noises faces, singing everything just to hear him laugh! It was such an incredible feeling! But mine is 16 weeks now and even just for a week things can change sooooo much! About the rolling, I was helping mine to roll from tummy time. When he saw how easy it was to roll from the uncomfortable position he started doing it all the time 😄 and now he is rolling even when he sleeps. But believe me you don’t want this too early because you will be constantly worried as soon as she starts doing it.

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