My girl only goes Tuesday 9-3 and I get an update every Friday x
My daughter goes Tuesday and Thursday all day and half day Friday and they only post photos on main activities like Christmas, back to nursery after half term etc. They do have a fb/insta page where they do post daily of activities they do but cover the kids faces with emojis.
After every session they post pictures and write a paragraph about what they’ve done and eaten
My kiddos nursery post a weekly snapshot which they most of the time update daily with new pics, write about the activities they have been doing that day and what food has been offered for brekkie, snack, lunch and tea. This is a group posting that all the parents can see. They also occasionally post things just about our kiddo if he's done something particularly funny / clever etc.
Once or twice a week for photos. But every day get told what the room is doing, what she has eaten etc.