@Summer I’m due on my period within 2 days so I’m wondering does it detect maybe when your body is due on as we possibly surge in LH nearer period? I have no idea and can’t get a test till the morning so now I’m so confused hahaha x
There is a LH surge before you get your period so it isn’t very accurate My first pregnancy I found out I was pregnant because I had 5 days of positive OPKs finally did a pregnancy test and it was super positive this pregnancy though I did a opk just for fun and it’s was quite faint when I was definitely pregnant so I don’t think it’s very reliable
@Mel I did think this! Thanks for clearing that up for me x
Yes! I did a test once I knew for a fact I was pregnant. & it was blaring positive. I posted on here about it too. So you are most definitely pregnant I’d say. The ovulation test showed positive when I was about 4 weeks along
This could definitely indicate that you’re pregnant. The only way to know for sure is a pregnancy test but I’d definitely go pick one up tomorrow
If it was taken in the timeframe it’s positive :)
Yes thats postive x
Been wondering the same thing. How many DPOare you?