
Any one have any advice on 2 year olds throwing tantrums? I have 2 kids before my youngest and her tantrums give me bad anxiety. I screams, she cries, kicks and I stops me from taking her out. Her tantrums could be changing her nappy to putting her down for a nap? Things she is use too and never had a problem with before I don’t know. Sometimes I don’t know how to cope
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Currently dealing with the same problem... Bit we sort of learnt on how to manage it... If there's a tantrum i put some stuff to play on my phone or take out toys... For a moment... Then my LO calms down a bit... And try again to do whatever we needed to do . Put clothes on.. etc... Also don't take my LO out too much as sometimes it is a lot to handle... He's at day care Mon-Fri so lots of socializing already. Big problem with sleeping.. so we are back to co sleeping.. crib next to my side of bed. He's a lot calmer if I'm there when he goes to sleep. Before he turned two no issues with sleeping... He was in his room napping and overnight without an issue.. no wonder why they say terrible twos.

I’ve tried putting on something with my phone but she wants to go through my phone and just go through apps lol. My youngest also goes daycare mon-thurs and they have never seen her throw a tantrum? Im like wow lol what is the secret please 😂

Haha interesting... They behave differently at day care... Same with us. I guess we just have to cope 🤣

We somewhat practice gentle parenting. I tend to try and redirect my son and also ask if he wants a hug. His big toddler emotions are super normal, and it's easier to get to the crux of the issue once we're both feeling calm and collected again. I've found it's usually something he wants that he can't quite communicate to me. So once he's calm, we'll talk through what he needs, and then it is easy easier to approach the task. It's not easy of course, sometimes I want to pull my hair out haha, and sometimes I snap (especially now that I'm pregnant- darn hormones). But I find that we both handle situations so much better when I am able to be calm and rational.

Im trying to gentle parent atm. But like you, im pregnant and very early sooo im very emotional at this point 😅 she just doesn’t want to be touched and then she doesn’t want me to leave, I kinda jus sit there and try calmly to talk but her scream kinda jus reaches a high pitched tone where im like…. I think I need to scream too haha 😅

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