Due aug 6th, going on May leave 31st July but taking sporadic days off till then just to take it easy
Due 21st August taking Mat from the 14th
I’m due 27th Aug and starting Mat leave 31st July. I’m high risk and struggling with SPD already, don’t do great in heat without being pregnant and my job is rather stressful so I decided to go quite early.
Due 10th August, mat leave starts on 7th but also have some annual leave to use up so finish work on 21st July. I do have the option to work from home if I can't get myself to the office that late & my job isn't too stressful so it felt OK to go that long for me
My maternity starts 4th august, im due 5th august but I have booked all my 5 weeks holiday prior that so I finish on the 25th June x
Due 22nd August, start MAT leave 21st August but finish for annual leave 28th July x
Due 10th August. 5 weeks annual leave from 12th June and starting maternity leave from the 17th of July
Due the 2nd Aug, my mat leave starts on my DD but I’m taking a month of holidays beforehand so my leave date is 30th June! Xxx
Due 28th August, using 2 weeks annual leave from 21st July then Mat leave starts 7th Aug x
Due August 9th and working till July 25th
I’m due august 15th and I’m going July 2nd, my job has me on my feet a lot and some days I’m coming home aching head to toe so I’m going early I’m already struggling so no way I can go much longer😅
Due 9th August mat leave starts 7th August, using 4 weeks annual leave from 10th July so I finish at 36 weeks
Due date 7th Aug, maternity leave starts 7th Aug but taken one weeks annual leave off before
Due 6th August, MAT leave officially starts 31st July but using 2weeks annual leave so finish on the 14th July. X
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Due 11th August and starting mat leave 1st Aug, not planning on taking any annual leave x
I work from home and the workload is light as my manager cnt really give me new projects as I will be off in a few weeks. My maternity cover has already started aswell. So I am gng to take mine a week before my due date.
Due 16th August and starting maternity leave from 31st July x
I’m due 19th August (scheduled section will be done at 39 weeks though) so I’m going off from 17th July to enjoy a few weeks with my toddler and get some rest before baby comes 🙈 x
If you feel fine go as late as possible. More time with baby when they're born.
Really depends on your job. If you have a more practical standing job I'd say allow more time. I have a office job and aim to finish on 21st July. My due date being 11th August 😊
Maternity starts on the 7th Aug. Section booked on the 14th Aug. Have holiday to use so will be finishing on 19th July.
Due on 14th August but will take two weeks holiday from 17th July and will start maternity from the 31st July. Off for a month before baby is due but only two weeks of maternity leave used.
Due 5th August and finish work on 28th July
Well my due date is 12th august and I’m starting my maternity leave on 17th July Xx
I’m due 1st August and my maternity leave is starting 1st August too. But because of annual leave, my last day working my main job will be 28th June! It could not come sooner haha
Due august 19th, leaving July 8th 4 weeks annual leave and 2 weeks Maternity but starting to think I’ll take an extra 2 weeks on my maternity as i am TIRED and sore
Week 37 💗
Due 13th August and my last day is 31st July
Due 24 August, last day at work is 31 July. Will take a week annual leave and then mat leave from 7 August. But I’m also going to request to wfh more for hopefully most of July if I can.
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I’m due 09/08 so mat leave starts 04/08 but taking a weeks leave so last date in will be 28/07 - I work from home so am pretty flexible and don’t have the stress of a commute etc
Due 15th August, mat leave starts 31st July. But taking 2 weeks annual leave so last working day is 14th July xx
Mine starts on my due date. I'm saving my annual leave for after mat leave ends. But I'm going on reduced duties in 3 weeks. I will be 33 weeks when reducing workload and slowing down x
I do flexible working so mixture of home and office based depending how I'm feeling x
Due August 10th, starting leave on July 31st. Also taking two weeks annual leave from July 14th. My commute is already a killer so I decided I couldn't go all the way to the end.