anyone else struggling to not tell people?

this time we want to tell most people only when we have a gender but we're both too excited to keep it in - he's told his coworker and i've already told some of my friends that live away (both got each others to share it) how are you holding up? x
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Struggling to keep it to ourselves but we want to wait till the scans come back clear before we tell everyone😊

Yeahhhh I just found out and already spilled to the group chat despite agreeing to wait til Christmas. 🤣🙈

I've been so good at not telling anyone other than my mum and dad but Im struggling 🤣🤣

Yeahh we've told most people but pregnancy and me are not good friends! so for us people need to know incase I become unwell or we need emergency babysitters in the night for our son if Im taken into hospital again. I'm definitely team tell people when you want, having that support in the most difficult trimester (IMO) is so beneficial x

I am struggling, we have told immediate family and I’ve told my work and one friend at work but very much considering telling my friend at the weekend as I want to see their faces and I won’t see them after this until the new year! X

I’ve just told my parents and siblings 🫣❤️ and I can’t wait until my first scan then im gonna tell my friends and other family members

I’m struggling so bad on how to tell my mum and dad. I’ve only told my work. Has anyone got any advice on how to tell parents and siblings please? X

I was thinking w waiting till I have a gender x

@Rhiain I bought boxes, wrapped my scan pic in a baby grow inside x

I had a scan Sunday and they confirmed a healthy pregnancy im due the beginning of July. We then told our parents and little one. I would never tell a soul untill I saw the heartbeat it’s really not worth the risk no matter how excited we were xx

@Nicola that’s what I was thinking of doing but I just feel like my family aren’t gonna be supportive about it x

I’ve told so many people 😂

@Rhiain always here to chat lovely! X

Same here and I’m not telling no one till I’m 5/6 months it’s so hard 😂 have you taken a clear blue weeks test as yet?

As I got pregnant via IVF most of my family and friends knew were were doing IVF so most people know already 🤣 xx

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@Emma this is definitely one of the things we're considering before sharing! x

@Alex literally so hard to keep it iiiin 😂😂

@Jules i'll be praying for your strength to not share when i pray for mine 😂😂😂

@Kryssi this is definitely important too! always so important to have a good support system in the hardest parts! x

@Kelly it's definitely something that we NEED to see the reaction isn't it? 😂 have a think through, so far everytime i've shared i always said "so it's quite early, we hope it sticks" and it makes sharing it early on feel not so bad! xx

@Hala i'm so excited for you!! that's exactly what we did with our first! x

@Rhiain we're getting fake scratch cards that say "we're having a baby", we know his mum might start sh*t because "she's too young to be a grandma" so we thought the less personal the better! i hope it goes better for you tho hun and you can always drop a message when you need as well xxx

@Ellie same here! but then i keep thinking what if the gender is wrong and we just made this "global" announcement? 😂

@Hannah i swear time freezes when we're waiting for this stuff doesn't it?? i wish you the beeest of the best on the dating scan and the announcements xx

@Nicola i comand you for your patience, we haven't heard a heartbeat yet but we're obviously hoping for the best, and if not at least i'll get some support from the few people that knew as they're close friends! our due date might be similar actually, i wish you all the best mama!! 🥰

@Aimee YOU are my inner voice 😂😂❤️

@Leanne giiiirl that's a long ass wait i HAVE to command you on that, honestly i need to learn some self control from you 😂 i haven't but i have an idea of when it might've happened and also with my last period in mind i'd say about 5/6 weeks but i'll wait for the dating scan xx

@Katie see even though it'll cost you a fortune it comes with it's pros right? 😂 i'm so happy for you, you go mama 🥰🥰 aw i wish you the smoothest best pregnancy ever xx ❤️

@lina thank you! The only thing with everyone already knowing was not being able to surprise the family. They were all waiting for the phone call 🤣🤣

@lina ikr I just don’t like much evil eye so I tend to try an protect my pregnancy at all costs 😅 but yeah I’m waiting 6 months than I’ll have 3 months left

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