Anybody just so hungry all the time?

My shift started at 7:15am today and I already ate a breakfast sandwich, my orange, and my bag of grapes. I'm still hungry and it's only 9:30am where I am 😭
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I feel the opposite. I have to force myself to eat.

I am eatting like crazy I work up at 6 this morning hungry I had bowl of cereal and than again at 7 and than before I went into work I had to stop and get a snack bc I was hungry again 😭😭😭

Aw I'm sorry girls! @Katrina @Jemima

Yess and I'm downing water like I'm dehydrated. I drink over a gallon a day. @Grete

@Sam tell me about it me too by my bed side there is a trash filled with empty water bottles

Yes so hungry but just gotten the heightened sense of smell that started yesterday and now everything smells gross to me so it’s hard to eat when I’m hungry.

i wish i could be hungry. nothing sounds good and everything tastes weird. not horrible just not how i know it should taste. i’ve lost 5.5 pounds.

I get hungry often but then I get full quickly. I keep wanting junk even though I really want to eat healthy

@Jamie that’s me too! Like i want to eat healthy but my body says “get more nuggets, it’ll be worth it!” In the end it is but my mind wishes i had more greens lol

I was like that in my 1st pregnancy! All i crave is cold fruits and cold salads now @Jamie

Girl I have been so hungry. With my son I was so sick. But not with this pregnancy.

I am so hungry!!! I’m also still breastfeeding so I think the extra demand for calories is in overdrive 😂

Girlllll, you high on demand at this rate 😂 @Bre

I’m SUPER hungry but I never know what I want because nearly everything is a turn off!!

@Sam I'm more hungry than usual as well, especially when I wake up in the morning. I love it though, because with my other two pregnancies i had to force myself to eat. I drink water like crazy too, I am so thirsty 😩 😫

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