Baby measuring big

Anyone else’s baby measuring big at 27weeks pregnant?? little man is almost 3lb 🥴🫣
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my son was 4lb at 30 weeks and was born 9lb 1oz 😂 my little girl was measuring 3lb 2oz at 28 weeks and now i’m dreading her being huge too 😂

I’m 28+5 and baby is weighing 3lb 3oz 😅

27+4 measuring 2Ib 10oz and 66th centile, at this gestation her big brother was 3Ib 11oz and born 9Ib exactly!

My oldest was estimated 5lbs at 28 weeks on scans and he was born just under 7lbs at 38 weeks! Please dont let it worry you xx

At 25+6 they said mine was 2lb 2oz. Online it says that’s big but they said she was perfectly within range so not to worry 🤷🏼‍♀️😅

28+1 measuring at 2lb 7oz

At 26 weeks I was 2lb 4oz

Im the opposite! Had a growth scan the other day at 28+6 and I've got a little dot at 2lb6oz

I haven't been measured yet, 28 week appointment is Monday, but I'm already worrying she'll be big. I don't feel like I'm huge but my son was 8lb 10oz and I keep being told 2nd babies are bigger 😳

I wouldn’t say that’s big right? I’m 28 weeks and baby was measuring at 2.80lbs yesterday so nearly 3lb.

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