calorie dense snacks!

hi guys! i’m currently 12wks pregnant but i’m having trouble getting a good amount of calories in. i struggled with eating before getting pregnant and now it’s just worse 🥲 if anyone has any easy snack recommendations (bought or made, doesn’t matter) that are calorie dense, since im a huge snacker, that would be amazing! <3
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1 tablespoon of peanut butter has 94 calories, so if you use 2 in a pb&j sandwich then that’s almost a 200 calorie snack. Or peanut butter on celery or strawberries, or in a smoothie if you wanna go the healthy route!

I love peanut butter with chopped up apple - can’t get enough. Avocado on toast is great - even better if it’s seeded toast. Nuts are surprisingly high in fat and I can eat them by the bucket. Granola on Greek yoghurt with honey is one of my favourite breakfasts - amazing with a few blueberries. Houmous with lentil curls or carrot sticks.

I’ve been downing peanut butter with apple slices as well! Also cheese! My baby is growing off of my daily charcuterie boards lol all I crave especially in this late stage is fruits nuts and cheese lol

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