Hair question

So my daughter is almost 1(mixed black/white) Can anyone give me insight as to her hair type, products you would use for styling(ex. Daily styling and hair bands, etc) My current regimen is to wash it with shampoo and conditioner weekly, conditioner only twice a week and then leave in conditioner after every bath (3times per week). We use mixed chicks products. Her curls tighten with moisture and look frizzy(but still cute) when dry I’m getting to the point where I want to style her hair in more styles but I’m not sure where to start! Thank you!
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She’s so beautiful! I recently got some scalp oil for my biracial kiddo and it helps with the frizz.

She doesnt have a hair type, its just baby hair at this point. Id hold off on styling too she doesnt have enough hair to do anythibg and the hair she has looks very soft and fine which will break off easily if manipulated too much.

i’m a licensed cosmetologist, kids braider, and haircare specialist. you can message me and i can give you some more personalized advice. i can give you some insight on what products i use and the results on my kids hair

@Lizzi I will look into that, thank you!🙏🏾

@Gigi L hey, I’m a FTM-when does her real hair come if this is baby hair? She’s almost 12 months old I definitely don’t manipulate it much at all, but just looking for styles as it’s getting longer. I definitely see babies much younger than her with defined styles. Thanks!

@luu🤎 thank you 😊

@Gigi L thanks for the helpful explanation! I have heard it takes several years for their hair to fully come in! I’ll wait for styling but enjoy her beautiful curls in the meantime 🥰🥰

@Gigi L also your daughter has really beautiful hair!

@Christine yeah not over doing it is key at this age

She has very european hair type type 2.0 hair. Her hair will get curlier but only slightly so, since your daughter is 1 years old old it won’t change that much but it will still change a bit. A From the 2 then you will see your child’s true hair texture. It may not necessity get more dense at all. Her hair right now is very euro not too dissimilar to my child’s hair, we just use L’oreal the hyakuronic one (purple) and conditioner. But my child has a lot looser hair than yours basically straight. Style whilst damp and use a soft boar bristle narrow wooden brush.

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