Stupid question but please help

What are you planning to wear during birth? Also, I am still torn between birthing centre and labour ward and cannot decide for the love of it!
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I’ve got a button down night dress/shirt for labour so I can open it for skin to skin contact. The button top pjs for when on the ward.

Will see how it all goes but atm I’m planning to wear the hospital gown for labour as it’ll likely get messy. If in the pool for a water birth a bikini top with a oversized top for when I get out. Will wear navy button down pjs from primark or a navy button down gown from Amazon after. Navy because there’s still some bleeding after. Button down as I’m hoping to BF 🤞. And a few people have said a nightie is the easiest as it’s minimal effort when going to the toilet x

Button down nightie for easy skin to skin once he’s here xx

With my first I wore a nightie but it got so uncomfortable I ended up with nothing on 🥲

@Becky oh no, how/why was it uncomfortable please? x

@Ilona it just felt all flappy and rubbing against my skin, labour ward are SO HOT, trying to grab like gas and air whilst having a nightie on slipping around, I would highly recommend like a strapped vest top, easy to access for skin to skin too, the chances of pooing yourself are also so high I wouldn’t wanna risk it with a nightie on this time 😅 x

Last time I got progressively more naked.. (I was in the pool for the last bit). Started off having a light dress on then I took that off. Often us ladies get really hot in labour ao definitely something to think about. I would definitely take options. X

Like @Becky I also hated the feeling of things flapping against my skin so ended up in just a sports bra which went in and out the pool, and even in December it was roasting hot so didn't want anything else on. I then put on button down nightie after when I did skin to skin/feeding etc because even though I'd just given birth I felt really exposed laying there naked 😂 x

Thank you ladies! That is super helpful 🙌🏻🥰

I would definitely recommend nighties instead of PJs while you're at hospital (could be a number of nights) because they are always checking you're healing down there after the birth as well. I wore a button down nightie for labour

I’ve just worn previously both times a white vest. Never planned an outfit or anything before as they were spontaneous and it was just whatever I was wearing. And both times I laboured shortly after I woke

Just would avoid wearing anything with metal in - bra. Jewellery that’s easy to remove. No strip lashes. X

Im I’m the pool so just a bikini top lol

I’m aiming for a water birth so I’m just going to be wearing a black bralet that I’ve got from primark Tbh I’ll probs just wear that the whole time😂 But I do have a short sleeved button up pj top packed just incase x

I'm wearing a comfy top that I don't mind getting dirty.i wanted to go to the birthing suite with all my kids,my first I ended up giving birth in labour and delivery but not 100% sure why I ended up there 😂 my second I ended up being high risk and induced due to waters breaking and not going into labour:( my third I was hoping for the delivery I've been wanting but recently become high risk again due to GD. the birthing suites look way nicer,very nice rooms,pretty lights,beds,calm environment,pools etc... labour and delivery is more basic looking,more hectic and just all round bleh but there are more professionals around incase things do take a turn which is good so it just depends on what you fancy etc x

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Honestly by the time labour comes you won’t care if you’re in a bin bag or nothing at all. I ended up in my usual nightie and just pulled it up for skin to skin post birth. I planned on using a hospital gown but once I got to the ward I put my button down pjs on. It was so hot so I can imagine I won’t even want a nightie in July (my first was a November winter babe) x

I have a cotton birthing gown from Amazon, poppers all up the back for access if needed and poppers at the top to pull down for skin to skin and breastfeeding. I loved it last time I birthed so glad I still have it, because of the poppers I could unpop it right up so it didn't get messy and still gave me some modest protection when I wanted it

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