@Danielle ok that’s good to know. Mines been on 4 oz every 3-4 hours and sleeping through the night. I’ve started giving her one 5oz for her last feed as she always seems hungrier but she’s showing signs of wanting more during the day so going to up her ounces to 5 and let her have what she wants x
my girls 6 weeks tomorrow and has 5oz every 4 hours xx
My little boy is 4 weeks tomorrow. He is having 6oz every 4 hours.
4 oz every 4 hours during the day. Night time she goes 5 hours x
My baby is 5 weeks tomorrow and he’s on 5 oz every 2-3 hours, he seems like he could definitely drink more but I feel that would be too much for him too soon ! At least one of his bottles is expressed breast milk the rest is formula