This hurts my heart so much

My husband is an over the road truck driver and when it comes to sex, it doesn’t feel like he’s sexually attracted to me. I already don’t see him for 3-4 weeks. When we have sex, he doesn’t get aroused. He doesn’t stay on hard and it takes forever for him to nut. I asked him was it anyone else and he said no. He said it’s not me, it’s him. He said it’s because of his age.. he’s getting older, his weight (exercise), and because he smokes black and mild. It’s making me cry because I don’t understand what’s wrong with me..
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Believe him. So many dudes struggle with getting it up for a multitude of reasons and the ones he mentioned are valid. My sister keeps running into dudes who are super interested in her but when it comes to sex, she’s encountered multiple times, they can’t get it up due to their porn addiction and they’re super embarrassed about it. I’m not saying every dude who watches porn has a hard time getting it up, or even that thats the case here. I’m saying that’s one reason and there are many others that have nothing to do with the woman.

But if it is because of the smoking, age, weight and overall lack of blood flow considering his job. I’d suggest herbs that help stimulate blood flow and libido. There’s plenty of tinctures out there.

Hi quick disclaimer for legal sake i am a licensed pharmacy technician in MD, WV and nationally in the USA i am NOT a pharmacist and do not have a doctorate please seek a physician if anyone is experiencing any health problems... Ok so to me it sounds like blood pressure issues and maybe low T smoking can have an impact tho not significant in most people i would suggest talking to a doctor to look at his testosterone and blood pressure maybe even thyroid your thyroid has a huge affect on every system in the body good luck and msg me if you have more questions I'll answer to the best of my ability

If he’s got weight and health issues, check for diabetes. My husband always had a super high libido like mine and then suddenly he had problems staying hard, turns out his sugar was super high and he was exhausted, a few weeks of metformin and eating better and he was back to normal. I know long haul truck drivers don’t generally have the best diet because of their work but it might not be you at all

He might have hormonal problems it's hard being healthy and being a trucker I did that life for nearly a decade it's rough weight stores estrogen and ruins endurance for males especially

Why are you automatically assuming it's a problem with YOU? He's told you it isn't, so not sure why you think it is? It's not uncommon for men to suffer with erectile disfunction, especially with everything you have described!

@Rebecca i feel like you had good intentions with that comment but lets be a little gentler she may have body image issues or ppd or ptsd we don't know

@Autumn thank you for this. I do struggle with ptsd, depression, and insecurities from within. So I appreciate your response. @Rebecca please be mindful of the things that you say because you don’t know what the next person is going through. You don’t know what went on in my marriage in order for me to feel a certain way so don’t be so quick to speak on a situation that you have no clear understanding of. Thank you.

Hi, trucker wife here. Had the same thing happen to me. Fatigue from being on the road all day for hours (10/14 hour clocks) and even when he's home he's still thinkin about the truck. 😂 a nice vacation helped because he was able to actually relax. So i recommend a little bit of relaxation because he might be pent up.

That food is what’s messing it up! When my husband did trucking otr I used to go with him before the kids… and there really aren’t much options, smoke and other factors. I used to cook on the truck so we didn’t have that issue… but get him some tongkat Ali it helps with testosterone… and if he gotta fridge send him off with some fruit and a few other things he’ll be quick to snack on instead of some fast food or in between fast food

Lastly don’t make him feel bad it already messes with a man’s mental when he already feels a way with not getting aroused as they would like to be… encourage him

Maybe get him a fridge cooler and a lunchbox that heats up because that's how I cooked healthy food on the road cuz truck stop food will put you in the hospital eventually

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