Sicky baby

My LO is 8 months and still a sicky baby.. she constantly a little bit sick after every bottle and sometimes puree too, even an hour after a bottle.. am I feeding her to close to her next feed? Or is there maybe something that could cause it?
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Could it be the formula itself? (Assuming you’re using formula) Or you have you tried others? How much is baby taking per feed? Could be the feed is too much? Have you tried giving less?

@MJ_xo possibly I’m not sure, she’s on Aptamil, she has 5oz every 3 hours, sometimes I’ll give 4oz and it’s better but she doesn’t seem satisfied!

4-5 oz sounds perfect. Bring it up to your doctor. Maybe it’s some kind of intolerance, maybe spitting up a small amount is normal after feeds for some babies but I really don’t know :/

It could be milk allergy, if she is sick after food that contains milk.

My baby is the same, and he definitely has silent reflux. He doesn't have milk allergy though and is otherwise perfectly fine. Apparently teething and excess saliva can cause babies to be more sicky again and according to the NHS it's normal for them to have it until they're 1. Have you tried infant gaviscon? It helped us a bit.

Mine is the same. Always spitting up a little bit, even of her solids

@Julia sounds helpful.. but it states babies under 1 shouldn’t have it unfortunately

I’ve got no advice but just to say you’re not alone, my 7m still refluxes after every bottle multiple times a day and has done since he was little. He is weaned and will also sick up a little wheatabix or yogurt etc … apparently they grow out of it around 1 🫣

@Georgia when I look it up on NHS, it says reflux in babies usually goes away by the time they're 1 and to only be concerned if it's still happening after they turn 1 :)

@Georgia they can have gaviscon under 1 if prescribed by a gp and monitored. We are on it for reflux x

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