HG mamas

i am suffering horrendously to the point where i can’t move from the sofa except to crawl to the bathroom.. ive exhausted every anti sickness except Ondanestron, im 8 and a half weeks with twins, what’s the likelihood of getting it? I am so sad at the moment because i feel im not enjoying my pregnancy because i feel so poorly x
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I suffered horrendously with my first and was in hospital on a drip over Christmas period. Fingers crossed you done suffer much longer. Mine peaked around 8 weeks and I was ok by week 13/14 with my first bub xxx

@Amber i feel so unwell its really uncomfortable, bet doctors are fed up with hearing about it! i am hoping this is the peak now and it won’t get worse x

@Helen it’s honestly horrific isn’t it 🥹. I remember it well 🥹🥹🥹😩. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse for you. It’s worth it in the end, but that doesn’t help the way you will be feeling right now xxxx

@Amber im worried itll last the whole way through because it’s twins but trying to stay positive! x

Please look at the HER website. It's a charity about all things HG. Try and get some medication from the hospital which will give you some relief. Its horrendous and I had it with both my pregnancies.

@Sarah omg when people said eat a ginger biscuit I wanted to punch them in the face 😂😂😂😂

I am so sorry… i am on ondansetron but they recommend not having it until past week 10 when baby has developed their palate, to avoid the risk of cleft palate. If you can hold on a bit longer then they will probably try it. I have hg too with only one baby, can’t imagine what your body must be processing with two. Hang in there ♥️

got docs at 3:15 today, theyre querying starting ondanestron or sending me to hospital for treatment - what would they do at hospital? im so hungry and tired x

I had to really fight to be given ondanestron before 12 weeks but spoke to a doctor who was happy that I’d tried everything else and said I’d have to sign a consent form saying I’m aware of the risks of taking the medication that early in my pregnancy. Each time I’ve needed a refill though I’ve had to get it through the maternity unit as my gp just flat out won’t give it to me despite me being almost 25 weeks now.

@Helen if they send you to hospital they might start you on iv fluids if you’re dehydrated as that’s dangerous for you and baby. You’re at risk of blood clots. If they can hydrate you enough they might send you home. But they might also keep you in to make sure the anti sickness meds they give you are working

Check out Pregnancy Sickness Support they have lots of info and advice. Some new guidelines came out recently regarding ondansetron and the risk is so small that they can prescribe it in the first trimester if nothing else is working https://pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk/2024/01/31/navigating-the-2024-update-10-essential-insights-from-the-new-rcog-guidelines-on-hg/

@Jessica this is literally like gold to me!! ❤️ i have been worrying so much about the risk but tbh i have lost weight and being pregnant with twins, i need more calories and im not even getting my normal ones in x

@Helen GPs seem reluctant to prescribe any medication while pregnant because of course anything you take carries some kind of risk, and they don’t seem to know much about HG and antiemetics. Here’s the full guidelines if you want to show your doctor as they probably won’t be aware of them https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1471-0528.17739 I’d highly recommended signing up for free peer support from pregnancy sickness support to help get you through this tough time! Really hope you feel better soon and that you can get the support you need x

@Jessica theyre really cautious because im already complex with my medical history and previous difficult pregnancy, i will take that with me, i think they definitely try and scare you into not taking anything, the amount of times people have told me ‘sip water and nibble plain crackers’ etc 🤦🏼‍♀️

Poor you! HG is absolutely awful and people just don't understand how debilitating it is if they've not suffered with it. I regret not going in to hospital during my pregnancy tbh. When I went in when I went in to labour they gave me a drip and I felt better than I had in 9 months even though I was literally giving birth 😂 I ended up weighing about 2 stone less at the end of my pregnancy than at the start, but baby was completely healthy! Defo try all the anti sickness meds and see if you have any luck and don't hesitate popping in to A&E and asking for help when you need it!!

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I was given Ondansetron after they tried every other at 8 weeks and at 8 weeks I was out on Ondansetron and cyclizine together.

@Poppy how did you feel on ondansetron? xx

I really feel for you; and hope you can find some relief. I started ondansetron at 7 weeks and it massively helped me. It didn’t take it away completely but it made things a lot more manageable - I ended up taking it with cyclizine for the whole pregnancy. More recent studies have shown they can’t prove that ondansetron itself causes cleft palates, only that some women who take it do go on to have babies with a cleft - but this risk is very very small, and for me the risks of untreated hg seemed far worse. Both my babies were fine. It is absolutely your choice though. The other advice I had was to make sure never to skip a dose of the anti sickness meds. Really hope you get some relief x

I suffered awfully with my first son 15 years ago. Absolutely nothing helped and I was sick right up until he was born (literally stopped the second he was out). This time, I’ve found that Cyclizine and Prochlorperazine together has worked wonders. I alternated between the two throughout the day to begin with and have slowly managed to wean myself down to only two a day. Hope it eases for you soon 🤞🏽

went doctors and she has called the hospital and got me admitted for fluids and intravenous anti sickness so hopefully that helps! x

@Helen once I was on ondanestron and cyclizine the sickness was very manageable sometimes once a day max! The nausea has never left I'm now 17 weeks but I can manage it with the tablets as I know I won't be sick. Just seen doctor has got you admitted it will defo help and make you feel so much better, you can ask them to prescribe you Ondansetron for when you leave and they should.

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