
So my baby is now 3 months and I truly feel like since giving birth I’m going through menopause 🤔😖😳
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Why is that ?

Is it just because you haven't started your period yet? Monopause doesn't just start out of the blue. Most women go through perimenopause for years.

Girl, you’re 3 months postpartum. It takes a while for your hormones to regulate and get back to normal! You’re not going to feel completely like yourself for a little while. You’ll probably experience hot flashes, mood swings and if you’re breastfeeding most likely no period. (I’m 8.5 months pp and still no period). Be easy on yourself! Drink lots of water and get lots of rest! Don’t worry about the house work and sleep when baby does!! I know that can be tricky if you’re back to work already & people tend to hate when others tell them that, but honestly I still sleep when the baby sleeps and it’s so freaking beneficial to my mental health.

It definitely feels like ur going thru menopause until like 8 months postpartum. I felt that way too. My sex drive shriveled up and when I did have the urge my lady bits were not cooperating. My tits sagged and my hair fell out and my skin looked dry and sunken in. I also got hot flashes all the time. Then like one day I started having more energy and then by month 10 I felt almost like a real person again.

@Alice I received my first period last week .

@Romeo I needed this . If only you knew !!!!! things are just not the same and I thought I was going crazy for a second wow !!!

@Emily wow . I really appreciate this ! I did get my first period . But I cant wrap my mind around this whole thing

Are you breastfeeding? If so, totally normal. It replicates menopause

Your body and hormones are is still adjusting and will keep on to maybe 6-8 months pp. Make sure your eating well and staying hydrated and taking care of yourself as much as you can. As someone who is experiencing perimenopause I can tell you it’s nothing like postpartum.

@Katherine no I’m not

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