Dark green poo

My son has been passing dark green poo the past few days should I be concerned ?
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How old is your little one?

14 months

It could be something that he is eating that is changing the colour of the poo, you can always call 111 and speak to them as it’s the weekend and they’ll also be able to help, if it is something to worry about they’ll book you in with a GP that’s opened on the weekend xx hope that helps

Are they having blueberries? Or is their diet high in iron? X

Yes they’ve been having blue berries every day this week

He seems otherwise well as it’s the weekend they will send me to a and e and I don’t want him to catch anything whilst there as he seems fine so if anything I will wait until Monday to call gp

My little one had a temperature and was really bad a while back, I called 111 and I had phone calls coming in at random times at night which I didn’t mind, as we waited but we had to do it at home and then they booked us in with a GP

There’s also GP hubs that offer evening and weekends appointments

It’s likely to be from them. My little one has stools are sometimes dark because of them. Just keep an eye on it.

I thought blueberries, when my daughter was little and after blueberries always green/blue poos

My little girl has a few days of green poo when she’s brewing a bit of a bug, like a snotty noise or a bit of a funny tummy. But it always resolves x

My first thought when I read this was just "blueberries".

My baby eats blueberries every day and has never had dark green poos 😬

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