Birth Control After Having A Baby?

What is everyone using and how is your body reacting. ?
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I have been using the nexplanon (idk if that’s how you spell it lol) the one that goes in your arm mines the three year one and it’s been great for me

I'm glad it works for you. I had used that way before having kids and it's made me bleed for weeks. I'm on the depo and about to get my 2nd shot but it's also been making me bleed for weeks. Soo I don't know what to do . Sorry if tmi

@Kaitlin it’s ok haha if you don’t want tmi don’t comment hahaha but I get that that happened with me with some of them have you tried the pill? It didn’t work for me maybe it will work for you lol

Honestly I just don't trust my self to take it everyday same

I'm currently on the pill but am thinking of switching to an IUD. I had that before. I am not great at taking my at the same exact time everyday. Previously I only had like one period and then none for 4 years.

Depo with really long periods😭 I used to not get periods on depo

I went with permanent birth control this last round but I used the deop for about 2 years then for 12 years I used the nexplonon and loved it

I had a IUD inserted about 2 weeks ago, tried pills after my 6w appointment but of course I did not stick to the schedule so i asked for this option. So far I had a little cramp 24 hrs which my doctor said was normal however I’ve been bleeding ever since (2 weeks) 💆🏼‍♀️ i read is normal since it also overlap with my scheduled period time.. I just hope it goes away soon, other than that it’s all good

i got the nexplanon put in about 2 weeks ago and so far i haven’t had any issues! the only thing is every body is different and will react to different birth controls in their own way. I wish it was easier than that for us!!

No birth control because it messed with my hormones wayyyy too much before getting pregnant 😂🤪

I’m on Slynd, haven’t had a period since the second week I started it. It’s nice because I don’t have to take it at the exact same time every day, I just have to take it every day. It’s without Estrogen because I’m EBF, honestly I didn’t want them sticking any in me for when we started trying for another because it took me about 2 years after getting the IUD out to get pregnant

I got the mirena. Worked great for me in the past and gets rid of my menstrual cycle which is a plus.

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