Hi guys I’m. 36+1 weeks pregnant. I have been cramping in and out for about 40 minutes now and also I’m feeling this weird pressure feeling between my legs and it’s going slightly down them. Every 10 minutes or so my back also starts to get this weird light throbbing pain too. I am SCAREDDDDD. Is this contractions? I told my man and my mom I’ll just wait until an hour to actually start to time them to make sure, but this doesn’t seem like Braxton Hicks? Has anyone else felt Braxton hicks that feel similar to this? Or does this look like early labor?? Should I wait this out and time them a bit or should I call the doctor?? This is my first pregnancy and I am literally so scared right now guys!! Help help help help helppppp!! (PS I did have contractions and almost went into early labor at around the 31 week mark as well and had to get shots!)
Given you're only 36 weeks, I'd call triage and get their opinion xx