Hi all,
This afternoon I've been in bed feeling sick and just not myself. Since then I've started having throbbing, aching pains in my kidney area coming and going ( more so on the right ) if it doesn't improve I'll contact my unit but just wondered if anyone's experienced this? P.s 33 weeks ☺️
I get this pain! It’s right where my kidney is and also on the right hand side, I mentioned it to triage when I was last there and they said it was probably growing pains/baby sat on nerves x
Do you have any other symptoms of a uti?
@Natisha no nothing really! Just this pain!
@Hannah is speak to midwife, maybe it’s normal if there are no other symptoms.
I get this pain! It’s right where my kidney is and also on the right hand side, I mentioned it to triage when I was last there and they said it was probably growing pains/baby sat on nerves x