Crawling Age?

Just curious, since most Montessori moms don't use baby containers, when did your little one start crawling? My 3 months old is already scooching forward and I'm scared 😂
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My almost 5 month old is up on all fours and rocking back and forth. He seems to be skipping the army crawl stage 🤦‍♀️

4.5-5 moths old is when my LO started crawling around wasn’t super good at until about 5.5 months tho that’s when he started crawling around super fast 😂

Wasn’t until 9 months before ours started. She wasn’t ahead with her movement but man does she talk!

Mine was like rolling and backwards pushing herself across the floor around 6-7months then at 8 months she started inchworming. She would tuck her legs up under her then push forward and flat out again. It was hilarious. As soon as she started that, within just a few days she was starting to pull up on things to stand. She was cruising on furniture within a month or so of that, then I think she finally started to actually crawl like after she mastered the cruising. Sitting too, she didnt master getting herself into a sitting position until she was actually crawling like after cruising. It was weird haha. Then she took her first step at 11.5 months and took more steps a few days after her first birthday and was walking from there.

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