
I’m 23+1 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing severe heart burn that omeprazole or things like gavisgone don’t work. Anyone got any recommendations to give me relief??
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Chalky anti acids

Rennies, and ice cream lol

Contact your midwife and ask if your dr can prescribe you something stronger - I am 35 weeks and struggle so much with it and that’s what I’ve done to cope!!🕺

Fruit tingles or bicarb in some water (it’s gross but definitely helps)

Milk! I drank so much milk while I was pregnant it helped with the heartburn xx

My doctor prescribed famotidine because i was basically going through tums like they were candy

The new orange rennies are good , iv had really bad heartburn for 2 weeks it got that bad the gaviscon wasnt even working nomore so i tryed the orange rennies they helped me so much , says on the box can take during pregnancy also it 3 in one so helps with heartburn acid reflux and indigestion x

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