Those that have been pregnant with both genders

Did you notice any differences? I keep hearing being pregnant with a girl is worse and your more sick than with boys. That with boys it’s a smooth pregnancy. I have a boy and it was pretty smooth except a little bit of nausea at 8 weeks. This pregnancy feels about the same as of now. Minimal symptoms.
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With my boy I was vomiting everyday for two weeks starting at 8 weeks pregnant. Still had a full appetite though and had pregnancy glow! After that not a single symptom! Super easy pregnancy. With this pregnancy, I’ve been nauseous from 6 weeks until today (10w5d), vomiting everyday, no appetite, tired from morning to night, emotional AF, dizzy, boobies HURT, dry hair, and I have pre-teen acne 😖 I did Sneak Peak and it said girl but I’m waiting for NIPT results!

I was so sick my whole pregnancy with my son, dry skin, greasy hair, bad heartburn, and feels like every other symptom possible. I swore it was a girl 🤣 This time around has been a lot easier so far

I have one friend who is sure I’m having a boy because my pregnancy (hardly any symptoms) mirrors hers when she had her little boy. Another friend is sure I’m having a girl because when she had her little boy she was so sick and thinks mine must be the opposite sex since I’ve been pretty symptomless. Excited to see which of them is correct!

I had such a good pregnancy with my daughter, I was only sick 3 days out of the whole pregnancy.

Perfect pregnancies with my daughters. This one I’m nauseous ALL DAY LONG.

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