I have one from my 2nd I did a bear heartbeat for my grandma who lives in my home state of Florida I used it for my 3rds pregnancy and this current one
I love mine. I would be going in for elective ultrasounds way more if I didn’t have one lol. I cannot stand the wait between appointments
Do you mind sharing which one you bought?
I have the sonoline b. Have never had any problems but also managed my expectations about using it before 14 weeks.
Yeah but does the untrained professional even know what they are looking/ hearing for? lol
If you can look up how to use it, it is a great tool. My father is a radiologist and he taught me and my husband how to find baby. We haven't not found the baby once. And that is with both of my pregnancies.
Fast galloping sound - baby heartbeat.. slower swooshing sound - placenta
I love mine. I feel that it brings more peace with there being so much time between Dr visits, you can check on your little one in a sense whenever you want