
My baby is 6 weeks old and is exclusively breastfed. She would usually poop after each feeding but it’s been since early Tuesday morning since she’s pooped. She’s super fussy and uncomfortable as if she’s trying to poop but nothing happens. I’ve tried the Frida windi , “I love you” massage , moving her legs and warm bath. Nothing is working !!!
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My daughter had the same problem (also exclusively breastfeeding) starting at 4 weeks she went three days with out pooping and i used the windl from Fridababy and it worked after that she went 3-4days and on the fourth day my doctor approved for me to give her a half ounce to a full ounce three times daily (only for three days your allowed to) till she went. She also said that breastfeeding babies usually go days with out pooping since there’s no preservatives like formula!

Exclusive breastfeeding babies can go up to a week without pooping and it be normal 😬

I think that happens around 6/7 weeks bc we don’t go that long but it can be a few days

My baby was the same. He goes regularly every three days. When we got worried we gave him an ounce of water per every woman plus my step dad’s advice and it came right out within an hour. Water has kept him pretty regular (not too much!)

If it’s really bothering you because baby is uncomfortable I would highly suggest an ounce of water

My baby was having the same issue. She went almost 48 hours without pooping. I pump and give her bottles because she can't latch yet. I also supplement with formula. I was going to call the pediatrician this morning, but she pooped last night. Also 6 weeks old.

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