Why do people stop and start?

Someone please tell me why people stop and stare when a toddler is throwing a tantrum as if it’s some kind of show!? News flash! You are not helping the situation any better by stopping and staring, your just making mom even more stressed out. If you must look, look and then look away!!!!! I’m sorry for the negative rant. It’s one thing to have my toddler throwing a tantrum and then on top of that I have a audience.
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They act like they could handle it any better if they were in the same situation.

I totally agree. Not helpful at all! We just need to get these groceries (pre-corona, when groceries was a family burden) and get out people!!! But i used to work in public libraries and yes...ruckus happens... But some parents would just let their kids tear things up and expect the world to be okay with them disrupting everything! I felt like the parents who took that moment to change scenery and interact with their kids about it had better behaved kids going forward.

I always look to make sure no one is hurt, see if I can help, and (morbid as it sounds) try to make sure the kid isn’t being abused or kidnapped. I have no judgement, kids are nutso butso lol.

Omg i feel this so hard my son is autistic and can have melt downs if he is to overwhelmed and the stares i get from people its just makes it so much more stressful

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Sorry to hear that. Seriously, reading got me embarrassed to stop and judge others though. It gets better at some point I guess. All the best 🤗

To judge. I know I do and I'm sure some people stop and look at mines. We're even 😂😂😂

When any child yells I look. What if they are hurt, being mistreated, or kidnapped? Its never to judge a mom or child

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Exactly. I never want to ignore a kid’s cries.

I try to ignore people’s looks and deal with it the same I would at home which is sometimes ignoring my child and leaving her to have her tantrum if people don’t like it tough shit

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I think that’s what would get you judged because people see that your just giving in

I look for a split second while walking and when I see the kid having a temper tantrum I just mind my business and keep walking. I do look in the direction that I hear the initial scream if the parent sees me I give a gentle smile :)

I’m like, hey wanna handle this since you are so interested 🤣🤣🤣

I'm expecting my first child and I genuinely am asking out of curiosity: what would be the best response? Is it best to just pretend you don't hear or notice, or is it okay to offer any help? Ignoring sometimes feels rude, and I agree with the other posts that sometimes I glance just to make sure the child crying is okay.

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Usually when mine acts up and we get a glance i of smile and say something quick like ... 'Its lunch time!" Or "someone didn't have a good nap today!" And usually i get some sympathy or a cute little story!

I think the best response is no response. Leave the parents to it

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